Whew! That's Done.

Apr 23, 2018 06:40

MyJeff, The Boys, and I lounged in the back yard for around 2 hours Saturday night, watching for meteors. Although the night was quite lovely--slightly chilly, but a good lap robe handled that--I was disappointed in failing to see any shooting stars. MyJeff did catch a view of one, shortly before we called it quits for the night. He was thrilled. ( Read more... )

meteors, work, scavenging, weather

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Comments 16

puddleshark April 23 2018, 14:44:45 UTC
Snow piles allllmost gone...

Hurrah! She came the long way round, but Spring is finally here!

No Lyrids seen here, either. We had a thunderstorm in the early hours on Sunday, and I couldn't leave Max to go storm or meteor watching.

Hope all goes well with the catching up on catching up, and with the search for a Real Job!


seekerval April 24 2018, 11:33:20 UTC
"Hurrah!" is so right! Let's toss in a "Wahoo!", a "Yippee", and a "Wheeeeeee!" just to be certain Spring knows how happy we are to have her here. Maybe she'll stick around for a while, instead of letting Summer shove her out and slam us with high heat and humidity.

Thanks for the good wishes. The Real Job ought to be my priority. Mentally--it is. Action-wise--I'm getting closer. ;-)


thespian15 April 23 2018, 15:00:04 UTC
So disappointing not to see any shooting stars/meteors. :(

Good luck on your full time job search.
If you wanna borrow mine, it's all yours. :p

I saw somebody having a garage sale this past weekend. Isn't that jumping the gun just a bit? :o

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For Spring time weather finally. :)
Hugs, Jon


seekerval April 24 2018, 11:40:51 UTC
I was disappointed, indeed. MyJeff was so pleased with his viewing that I could absorb a little of his excitement. Plus, you can't be too unhappy when you're enjoying a gentle little adventure with your sweetie in the outdoors with nice weather.

Thanks for your good luck wishes. As to borrowing your job . . . ummmm, we-ellll, if only I had the proper training . . . yeah, that's the issue . . . yeah . . . so, ummm, thanks anyway . . .

The last couple/few years have brought April garage sales into rather wide use. Last summer, we had planned to have an end of April sale this year, but the long winter and long work hours kaboshed the heck out of that idea!

YES! Loving this Spring weather.


thespian15 April 24 2018, 13:34:57 UTC
I am tempted to have a sale, but I don't have a garage, and I don't have a bunch of tables. LOL..........


seekerval April 24 2018, 19:59:14 UTC
Do you have a yard? ANY card tables? Do your neighbors/friends have loanable card tables? Do you have tarps/blankets you could spread on the ground?

Come onnn... do NOT give up so easily! You can do it!


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kishenehn April 23 2018, 17:25:01 UTC
Yay for spring! And yay for the end of tax season!

Best of luck with the job search, too. I hate that sort of stuff ...


seekerval April 24 2018, 11:47:17 UTC
For certain and for sure, we're happy for Spring to arrive and Tax Season to leave! Not that I'm finished doing taxes yet. Still have folks coming in for late filings, amendments, past year filing, etc. PaycheckPaycheckPaycheck...

A job search is never fun. But, then, "adventures" are often not fun. Maybe, if I start thinking this is just another Adventure! Hunting down the right job! Re-focusing my outlooks, my goals, my past accomplishments!...........Maybe, if I win the lottery.........


mrdreamjeans April 24 2018, 15:58:17 UTC
My next door neighbor had a picnic on a blanket last evening, enjoying the last part of our sunny day. It made me so happy to see it!


seekerval April 24 2018, 20:02:25 UTC
How very nifty! Celebrating Spring with a little at-home-but-outside picnic. On Sunday, a couple of neighboring yards had gatherings with family/friends. It was very nice to hear chatter and laughter drifting over the fences.


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