Title: The Real Epilogue: the Fred/Hermione Version
Rating: K
Word Count: 4,341
Pairings: Fred/Hermione, George/Alicia, Harry/Ginny, & Ron/Luna
Status: Complete
Fandom: Harry Potter
Genre(s): Romance
Spoilers: DH, definitely.
Summary: AU. Hermione always had a feeling that she'd end up with a Weasley boy. And the one she does end up with is certainly not
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Comments 20
I miss Fred, he's my fav!
You are so freaking awesome!
I love this, so much better than the ever-predictable R/Hr ship!
I miss Fred too. And I agree: R/Hr are very predictable. ;)
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Thanks for commenting; I'm glad you enjoyed the story. :)
I'm glad you liked that bit about the toilet seat. I got the idea and couldn't resist putting it in the story. ;)
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