Title: Fifty Times Harry and Hermione Can't Deny It
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,408
Pairings: Harry/Hermione, with implied Ron/Hermione & Harry/Ginny
Status: In Progress (1/5)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Genre(s): Romance/Drama/Angst
Spoilers: all books, up to DH
Summary: AU. A look through Harry's and Hermione's eyes in terms of what could have been, little moments
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Comments 39
loved the fact that is not in chronological order and that when they kiss is not at the end, but in the middle.
I am also glad that you liked the fact that they're not in chronological order. I felt doing that fit well for the fic. :)
I loved all of them, loved the lack of a timeline, loved the interaction, and appreciate Harry's reaction to the blasphemous marriage from hell (*cough*). Very, very well done!
appreciate Harry's reaction to the blasphemous marriage from hell (*cough*).
HAHA! I completely agree with you. :D
Thanks for commenting! I'll try to write more as soon as I can.
And I'm in love with your icon, btw. :)
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It made me so sad that even in that last book, Hermione and Harry became so close - spending all that time together when Ron left - working things out together - they, really, are the main two characters of the whole series.
I guess it just saddens me that by ruining Harry's romantic life by placing him with someone, really, he barely knew ... JK Rowling ruined this relationship as well, y'know?
I'm ranting, aren't I?
But I really did like your ficlets - they don't go over the top with melodrama or cutesyness or angst, really.
As for everything you said about H/Hr, I completely agree. Since they are really the two main characters of the whole series, like you said, I always thought, and still do, that it makes more sense for Harry and Hermione to end up together. Harry ending up with Ginny doesn't make me nearly as angry as Hermione ending up with Ron (I just despise that ship), but you're right, Harry did barely know Ginny, and that's disappointing. JKR really did ruin their relationship in a sense. Ah, well... in my mind, it'll always be Harry/Hermione. :)
I don't mind the ranting, especially when it's on this topic. ;D
Thanks for commenting!
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