Dude, I had the absolute strangest dream last night. I'm putting it in a cut because I feel like it, but that doesn't mean you're not required to read it. *Evil eye*
Gah.. Julie.. you're dreams are wonderful. From the first part through out the entired dream.. I couldn't think of any other way to make it any better. I mean.. the creativity level was insane.. you did a great job of actually explaining it because somehow.. I understood the whole thing.. and even after understanding it all.. I loved it! ^^ Yes.. I shall talk to you about it a bit more on MSN maybeh.. if the subject so arises.. >_> But.. I loved the post.. the dream.. and reading it :D
^-^ -I've never made such an exaggerated version of that face before - be proud! That made me squee! And I'm glad you're happy... even though you died... >->;
Comments 6
and if we ever get in a situation like that..remember the concert bear >.> -wraps around julie-wad- thats so sad..
and thats all so very sad..
i wonder if it all means somethinf @.@ i hope not
*is oddly happy that he was involved*
-I've never made such an exaggerated version of that face before - be proud! That made me squee!
And I'm glad you're happy... even though you died... >->;
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