Title: Civil Wars
Fandom: Lost
Rating: PG for language
Characters: Michael, Walt, Charlie, Sawyer
Summary: They were singing round a campfire, like a cliche G-rated father-son bonding movie. Ist season.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never mine
Notes: Written for lostficchallenge #64, "Inspired by--" but once it got done I wasn't sure it fit the prompt. The
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Comments 12
The Michael/Walt bond was nice too. Great use of the Michael POV and it's great to see how the bond between father and son is strengthening slowly but surely. And you have Michael talking about building stuff! I miss season one Michael who was always making plans for showers and stuff down at the caves! He was so much more likeable than the horrible, obsessive Michael we got in season two.
Awesome! Good luck in the challenge!
I missed Constructive!Michael in season 2, as well. I wish we could have gotten more variety from his role. Maybe if they had actually been making better plans for hunting Walt and the other stolen people over the second season, Michael might have had scenes discussing something other than Waaalt! I did try to hint at Michael's obsessiveness at the end, where he thinks that keeping Walt safe automatically puts God on his side.
Good luck yourself in the challenge! I'm still deciding whether to post this there or not, since it doesn't fit with the other entries.
I did try to hint at Michael's obsessiveness at the end, where he thinks that keeping Walt safe automatically puts God on his side. - so you did! Very clever of you.
Oh go on! Enter it anyway! You wrote this for it, why shouldn't you? I was inspired by more than one song too but I only used the lyrics from one =P so don't worry. I think it's wonderful!
I do have a problem, since I love using music in Charlie fics and I can't post a soundtrack without copywrite problems. I did find an MP3 sample of "Truck Drivin' Vampire" on a catalog website: http://www.firebirdarts.com/audio/kitchentruck.mp3 and there might be one floating around for "Red and Gold," but I'm not sure which are free or fee sites.
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I'm glad you agree with me that Charlie/Guitar is an OTP that needs exploring and that Michael was a better character when he was sane. I understand why he's panicking when Walt is kidnapped, but I think there would be more practical ways to use that energy and that would fit with the self control he showed over the letters that Susan kept from Walt and the resolve he showed building a raft twice.
it's on Use Your Illusion II and IMHO the best song they did after Appetite for Destruction ;)
Ditto about Micheal. It seemed to me that they completely misused him and that in S2 they made him go out of his mind or something because I really liked him much better in 1. And Charlie/Guitar IS a OTP, I think they're just not separable (like Desmond/Blue shirt and Sawyer/Glasses, since objects are way more reliable than people on Craphole Island..).
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