Title: Pirate Christmas Story (19/24)
Author: Aranel Took
Characters: Hal Jordan/Kyle Rayner
there_n_back Advent Calendar Challenge - Day 19Prompts: bottle, wharf, violin, moon, monkey, fork, hole, lock, sheet, pendant, crystal, cookie, letter, money, tail, chair, bread, seed, peaches
Rating: PG
Words: 1900
Summary: Elseworld. Pirate!verse!
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Comments 6
And the ending! What a cliffhanger.
and he's known Kyle all of 4 hours. And then the ending with kyle throwing his necklace at Hal telling him to go away. Kyle chooses a child he's known for 4 hours (and a monkey) over a man he's lived with for months and claimed to love. You are just trying to build too much drama up in too little time and instead of touching it comes off as kyle being a selfish, whiney bitch and the feelings forced and fake and unreal. sorry to say; but come on_4 hours of knowing the boy and kyle is all uppity and he wants the child to prove he can be a better father than his father was--oh that's selfless isn't it.
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