Title: The Bet Author: aranel_took Characters/Pairing: John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Hal Jordan/Kyle Rayner Rating: PG (some naughty words and innuendo) Words: 600 Summary: John and Guy make a bet. This is a prequel to Revelations.
I didn't realize that seeing Guy and John talk about man-crushes was an unexplored fantasy of mine, but... I guess it was. Thanks? ;)
I'm loving seeing what the other characters are thinking of Hal and Kyle, too. Arisia is so much awesomer now that she's matured for real, and Guy knows checkin' out asses when he sees it happen. Poor John, out a hundred bucks.
And your icon's glowy-chest Kyle! He's giving Hal the Care Bear Stare!
Booster and Beetle! BONUS. *hugs* Thank you! I loved this, it was so sweet. ^_^ Adding your icon to this fic (Kyle glowing while looking at Hal, hee) made it perfect.
Love this. Guy would so know that Hal and Kyle have the hots for each other (the line about Booster and Beetle is priceless.) It just serves John right not to trust Guy's judgment.
Comments 17
“Heh. I spent a lot of time around Booster and Beetle. I know the signs.”
Gotta say, this was my favorite line.
I'm loving seeing what the other characters are thinking of Hal and Kyle, too. Arisia is so much awesomer now that she's matured for real, and Guy knows checkin' out asses when he sees it happen. Poor John, out a hundred bucks.
And your icon's glowy-chest Kyle! He's giving Hal the Care Bear Stare!
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