As threatened promised, here's the second pic spam in what I hope will be a series covering all the major QaF characters.
If you missed part one in the series, it's here:
Brian. (Note: I actually edited this ever so slightly from its original form. All the concepts are the same, but where I had icons I've now substituted full-size caps, from a source I hadn't known about before. Thanks,
He's a king...
a queen...
and a prince.
He's a BFF...
and one of the gang.
He defies his dad...
and dances with his mom.
He stands up to his enemies...
and to his lover.
He's a bold, ballsy kid...
who learns the meaning of fear...
and emerges a braver and wiser man.
He carries his home with him wherever he goes.
No matter how many times he's disillusioned...
he never loses his faith in love.
Caps from
Queer Eyes,
K W A F, and
Reminiscent Designs.