I have blathered about the writing process in this journal on a few occasions, but today I was thinking about editing (or in fandom terms, beta-ing). Although I've only beta'd a few works of fanfic, I do edit a lot at work and am always looking to improve and to better understand the process
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Comments 24
I also really appreciate it when my beta makes suggestions re characterisation, a second opinion is always really welcome for me. However, a lot of stuff I post (particularly WIP's) isn't beta-ed, mainly because I feel embarrassed asking someone to do it so often.
Thanks for weighing in. :-)
I try and print the story out, and make notes in the margin of what strikes me as I am reading through. I then try and take a bit of a break and read the story again making fresh notes. I then go through for grammatical and sytax issues. I will be honest though, in working with vlredreign and flashfly their mechanics are just about perfect. Then I send the writer my first thoughts and possible areas of concern ( ... )
I am usually a little nervous any time I beta for someone, especially if it's a writer I really respect and/or fangirl. I'm always afraid I'll read it and not be able to think of any useful suggestions. But reading something with the critical eye of a beta is much different than just reading something that comes up on my flist, so I usually do manage to come up with something. :-)
But for longer, plottier stories, or fest stories that need to make sense beyond what my brain thinks makes sense, I have a couple of trusted souls I like to send things to for opinion. One is a Snape beta. *g* No, really. She is a stickler for canon!Snape, and is a wonderful help in tweaking my dialogue, especially, to be more Snape-like. The other is a Brit-picker. I tend to do a lot of my storytelling in dialogue, and that's the first thing to get messed up with non-Britishisms. So for the stories I really ( ... )
Interesting point about wanting to rewrite things in your own style. I have that urge sometimes, but I actually think I'm more of an editor -- I can tell an author what isn't working, but I usually have to trust her to rewrite it more effectively than I ever can. :-)
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