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Comments 17

shadowclub August 19 2011, 17:15:32 UTC
Ooh recs! I so need to post some of my own (guilt) and read so much:)

♥ I really enjoy a lot of what Pervocracy writes as well! Sigh, poor Haiti... I also just read another article in the economist about this. Between Japan and the horn of Africa and all the economic bs, there is so much sad drama :(


secretsolitaire August 19 2011, 23:18:16 UTC
I would always rather read than rec! But I need to suck it up and get back into regular reccing so I don't end up with this sort of huge post, LOL.

Sigh, poor Haiti... I also just read another article in the economist about this. Between Japan and the horn of Africa and all the economic bs, there is so much sad drama :(

There really is. I'm trying to find a middle ground between awareness of this stuff and being stressed and sad all the time!


sangueuk August 19 2011, 20:03:39 UTC
I love recc posts, thank you!


secretsolitaire August 19 2011, 23:18:30 UTC
You're welcome!


lokifan August 28 2011, 17:42:20 UTC
'The Dragon and His Tamer' is MAD hot. I'm really enjoying Charlie/Draco month at DD :)


secretsolitaire August 31 2011, 01:50:39 UTC
Ack, I didn't get a comment notification for this! *shakes fist at LJ*

Charlie/Draco month is the best thing to happen at DD all year, IMHO. :-D


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