Recs: HP art, WC vid

Mar 23, 2011 21:02

Ugh, there are crunchy things going on outside -- freezing rain, I guess? I wish winter would just go the hell away already!

So I have found myself playing along with china_shop's Fandom Appreciation Challenge! It's not too late to join -- every day you get a new challenge such as today's, which is to leave feedback on three vids, icon sets, pieces of art ( Read more... )

recs: wc vid, harry/draco, gen, recs: hp art

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Comments 8

themostepotente March 24 2011, 01:55:59 UTC
Hadn't seen that first H/D art. That's lovely <3


secretsolitaire March 25 2011, 01:24:21 UTC
Isn't it? Glad you liked it!


tigbit March 24 2011, 02:18:58 UTC
Yayyy! I really love the art. Thanks for sharing these, as always.


secretsolitaire March 25 2011, 01:24:33 UTC
You're so welcome!


flashfly March 30 2011, 03:30:18 UTC
Blind!Harry. :( There is a ficlet I need to find. It was Harry in a hospital bed unable to move or speak and all the Weasleys fluttering about and Ron and Hermione and then they all leave and it's just Snape left and finally speaks to Harry - one or two sentences and Harry responds in some way, blinking? I don't remember but it was a great ficlet.


secretsolitaire March 31 2011, 03:21:14 UTC
Ooh, that doesn't ring any bells for me. (I don't read much Snarry.) Maybe I'll throw it out to the flist and see if anyone remembers it.


flashfly April 2 2011, 05:22:39 UTC
Don't bother, but thanks. I think I can find it pretty easily if I look in a couple of places - there was a LJer that kept an archive and one of the categories was disability fics. I like the idea of searching it out.


secretsolitaire April 2 2011, 22:39:51 UTC
Oh, good. Link me if you find it!


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