Hey Folks!
We have good news! We're gearing up to start SPLJ5 on February 1st. We will run February, March and April for this swap. We'll be opening up the community to start the process of applications from this go around in the next week. We've also decided to change some things up this time based on the surveys and experiences of SPLJ4.
Please read the in the userinfo for the complete set of changes. These are a highlight of the ones most important to where we are now.
We have decided to cap the community at 50 members, plus moderators. We will be sending out applications via email on January 21, and the first 50 people to respond will be fixed to participate this go around. All members of SPLJ4 in good standing (on time with packages; not too much prodding from your mod) will be invited to return. However, we do not want to exclude previous swappers in SPLJs 1-3 or even interested newcomers. For this reason there is a new process for you.
For Swappers with SPLJ 1-3: Since there have been changes in moderators over time, we can't reliably invite everyone to join us. If you participated in one of these previous swaps and would like included in the invitation process, please send an email to spljmods (at) gmail (dot) com by Saturday, January 19th. In this email, please include your name, email, the number of the SPLJ swap you were involved with.
For newcomers: We do want to include you to participate as well. Because of the size of the community, we are now requesting a vouch for totally new participants. What do we mean by vouch? You will need to have swapped elsewhere with a SPLJer. Please have that SPLJer-they can be from any SPLJ--send an email on your behalf to spljmods (at) gmail (dot) com. This email must contain the name of the swap, a short description of their experience of you in it, and a link to the swap you swapped in together. They should also include your name, email and LJ username in the email so that we can include you when we send out applications. We must receive this email by Saturday, January 19th.
Please read over the rules, and we'll be happy to help if you have any questions. We're looking to an enjoyable and fun swap!
Kim, Meaghan, Jody, Aimee, Manda and Nichole