I received my final package Wednesday, but as i was visiting my soon-to-be inlaws, I haven't found the chance to post about it til now! I was royally spoiled this time around, I can't wait to make use of all the stuff I got! ( Secret Pal revealed, beware! )
Miss Secret Pal, I got your package the day before yesterday, but homework and school have been eating up pretty much all my spare time since then. I've taken pictures of it, and hopefully I'll have a little time to post them here tonight. Watch this space for happy squees and rambling! :)
I received my final package today from my Secret Pal. It was perfect timing because I'm leaving early tomorrow to go on vacation; so, I've been running around like crazy, stressing about leaving and I came home to such a lovely package from my pal, Miki (paranee).
Guess what arrived today while I was at work? Really, guess. Credit card bill? Are you on crack? There's nothing exciting about that. Yeah it arrived today too, but more importantly... my final package was sitting there right next to it.