Vidding meme timez \o/

Jan 25, 2012 17:57

a) I'm rather lazy and lame and can't think up my own lines
b) hopefully will have some more free time on my hands

Snatched from ash48 because she has the best ideas ♥ or not... lol

I want to do something for YOU guys (*hugs*) and push my (creative) self and my muse.

So. Tell me about a vid I haven't made yet. Please include the song and something about what you saw. It might include something about the effects (push me!), a pairing, a character or just an idea.

I'd prefer it to be Supernatural (as I am most familiar the footage) but I am prepared to do White Collar, Suits, Fringe, Misfits, Dark Angel, Merlin, The Vampire Diaries, Sherlock and maybe some movies.

I see this as something I will work on over the year (depending how many prompts I get). I'll present them as one post so you guys won't be spammed with lots of little vids. I see it like a bingo card (and I might throw in my own Wild Card *g*)

So. DON'T BE SHY! If there's a vid you'd like to see me try then let me know. I'll do my best.

(I have no idea how this will go. I'm not sure how many prompts will be too few or too many. Hmmm... I'll probably cut it off around 10-15. Hopefully I'll get SOMETHING done lol

vidding, meme, lj stuff

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