Nothing Last Forever.

Oct 19, 2011 23:03

Nobody really know how i feel right there, at that moment. The feeling of being let down once again, the moment I see your face and body language, I knew it before the actual words came out of your mouth. But I guess it hurts more because I didn't expect this disappointment coming from you. I thought you were somebody I could trust, Yeah, I guess I should just think harder right? My fault luh, my fault. My fault for thinking that you ain't such a person. Maybe I shouldn't trust others so easily. Or maybe I shouldn't even trust anyone. That way i won't get hurt anymore. FOR SURE. I came to this world alone & I'm going to leave this world alone. So I guess this means best to be alone.

No matter what I have achieved, it will all be forgotten in the future.

So maybe this is what we really are like: a shooting star. Like burning debris, we made our presence known in a small space allotted for us. We lighted up the sky, but only for a second and vanish without a trace afterwards. With each and every waking second, the world takes away a small piece of us until we got nothing left. Regardless of it being a big chunk or a small fragment, regardless of it being a major loss or minor deprivations, I don't care whatever it is, no matter how important it is, we will all silently accept it afterwards.

So many unspoken words get lost and they are swept away into the drains like dead leaves. Right now, I feel like a dead leaf, useless, uncared for & all alone.

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