2009 Secret Valentine Sign up

Jan 11, 2009 19:32

Before you sign up, please read through the rules, which are located in the user info. New rule: If you sign up and drop out then you will not be allowed to participate for the next round. However, the round after that, you'll be more than welcomed to participate again. If you ask for an extention, that will not stop you from being able to participate in the next round. Extensions are for 10 days.

All sections of the sign-up format, located below in the text box, must be filled out, and filled out correctly when pasted into a comment to this post. For our convienence, please use your username, not your actual name or a different nick-name.

When you pick the three things for each section, you may only get one of those. However, the gifters will try and fill as much of the three requests as they can. Be prepared. However, all three 'don't wants' will be avoided.

Again, I stress, you cannot chose which media format you are recieving. However, please be specific as to what format you can provide. Keep the 20 day work period in mind.

Pinch hitting is being a back up gift giver, should we need one. For what you're providing, we only need the media format. For what you refuse to provide, please do not put a media format. If it's not listed as the/one of the media format[s] you're providing, we're assuming you refuse to provide it. This section is only for characters/themes/storylines and such you refuse to provide.

Refuse to Provide:

Three things you would like in a fic:
Three things you wouldn't like in a fic:

Three things you would like in a vid:
Three things you wouldn't like in a vid:

Three things you would like in a graphic:
Three things you wouldn't like in a graphic:

Can you pinch hit:

admin: sign-up, exchange: 2009 valentine

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