jlvsclrkRequest: Choice of song, no Clois, Chimmy or Clana
Type: Video
Title: The Special Two
Rating: G
Summary: After one shock too many, Chloe reevaluates her relationship with Clark and vows to fight for their future together. Seasons 1-6 with a couple of clips from S8. Chloe doesn't go back to Jimmy.
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Comments 6
Thanks in advance, Jen! *hugs*
I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT!!!! *squees & flails like a demented muppet*
Omigosh, this is better than I could have ever imagined or dreamed!!! How many times did you have to listen to that song to match the clips up? It's all so PERFECT!!! When I saw I'd gotten you this morning, I knew it would be awesome, but in all my days, I'd never expected such Chlarky magic. I was so wondering which song you'd use, and secretly hoping it would be this one, because its just so Chlarky...*beams*
You know what? I'm gonna watch it again, and come back and squee some more - and then get back to editing my own secret_chlark entry because my extension deadline in in 45 minutes!!! :-D
Thank you ever so much, Jen. You've made me the happiest girl in fandom!!! *smishes you tight* :-D
Why the hell did they block it? Boo, YouTube, you Whore!!!
Any suggestions? Anyone??
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