Fanfic Master Post

Dec 20, 2012 15:59

The ABCs of Supernatural, a la the Gashlycrumb Tinies

Clicky clicky for the smutty smutty, Supernatural style.

Bobby/Crowley )

master post, fanfiction, supernatural

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Comments 24

half_vulcan June 24 2010, 23:12:27 UTC
Thanks for this. I love master lists. Makes life SO much easier! I just stuck this into my memories. *smishes*


secondplatypus June 25 2010, 00:02:06 UTC
You're very welcome - I was going to wait to make a master list until I'd written a few more fics, but digging through my tags to find all my fics was starting to annoy me. I figured what the hell, why not? :)
*huggles* How are you, my dear?


half_vulcan June 25 2010, 01:58:01 UTC
Frantically cleaning. My daughters RP partner is coming in from Texas tomorrow for 10 days. Then 3 days after that I am going to NJ con. So just trying to keep my head attached! LOL


secondplatypus June 25 2010, 04:01:36 UTC
Aaaaaah! That sounds like equal parts insanity and delightful fun.
*gives you duct tape to help keep you in one piece*


parathion13 June 25 2010, 00:05:09 UTC
I've already finished your fics but this list is awesome. Thanks for this too!!!!!


secondplatypus June 25 2010, 00:07:12 UTC
You're welcome, sweetie - there will be many, many more where these came from, and I'll be adding new pairings soon. :)


falling_dominos July 5 2010, 01:46:16 UTC
See, now I have to make one of these things, cause I'm terrible at tags...::sheepish face:: and my memories has like...three of yer fics on it.

Now I can just add one and have everything in one place. XD

TY ty ty sweetie. Btw, I'm am super-anxiously awaiting more of your Perish Twice verse. Cause omg beautiful happy devil win!

<3 for you and memoried! :D


secondplatypus July 5 2010, 22:48:39 UTC
You're so welcome, darling - thank you for being so lovely and reading my fics. :)

The second installment of the Perish Twice verse is almost done; I'm shooting to have it finished by tonight. I'm working on about four series at once, and even though the ones I started earlier should be my top priority, I'm concentrating on my Sam/Lucifer. It's so good to meet other Lucifer appreciators, in my honest opinion there aren't nearly enough of us around.


falling_dominos July 5 2010, 23:27:11 UTC
The devil has to be written just so, and a lot of people can't do it. ::shrug:: I feel bad for the Arch-angels. They really got the short end of the stick. (Lucifer and Gabriel being the two I like the most, but Michael and Raph get love too)

I'm also a Death appreciator, I loved how he was characterized.

And -super-excited- I just got done reading a BB last night, so I'm free for more other ficcage tonight. XD Awesome!


secondplatypus July 5 2010, 23:42:51 UTC
One of the reasons why I was scared to take Lucifer on is because he's such a tremendous character. It's so easy to make him too human or too evil; there's a fine line to walk, and I honestly don't know how I got away with it. I decided from the beginning of that fic that no matter where it went, it wouldn't be one of those full-on redemption fics where the Devil sees the light. In my mind, the black-and-white dichotomy of good and evil is too absolute for Lucifer, and if one writes him properly one can get away with nearly anything because he's so layered and complex ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

secondplatypus August 2 2010, 12:59:39 UTC
D'awwwwww, of course it is - as long as you don't mind me friending you right back. :)
thatcouldbearranged :D


henaiota April 11 2011, 09:10:13 UTC
Hi there, awesome site. I thought the topics you posted on were very interesting


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