[Open] I don't want to start any blasphemous rumors...

May 31, 2011 15:54

Characters: Anna Milton and whoever wants to greet her.
Time: Morning
Location: The Bean
Content: Anna arrives in Chicago, just a little bit freaked out.
Format: Prose
Warnings: Wary angel fresh out of prison? Fear not, she doesn't even know she has her stabby angel dagger yet!

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[character] jennifer walters, [character] anna milton, !open, [character] thomas raith

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Comments 40

legallygreen June 1 2011, 00:55:59 UTC
The park was safer during the day than it was at night, but still not as safe as it might have been if it were earlier months. Jennifer had her umbrella over her head as she walked through the park, the rain still hopelessly pouring down on the city, though that morning it was lighter and easier to handle.

When she saw a new figure at the Bean, a female figure, she hurried over in time to hear a name that she recognized. Castiel. The angel friend of the Winchesters that looked so much like John. Not certain whether she was friend or foe, Jennifer approached her carefully, though with a warm smile.

"Hello. Just arrived?"


ahellofheaven June 1 2011, 01:31:51 UTC
Whatever sort of trick this was, in truth she expected to be greeted by more henchmen than a decidedly not angelic woman with an umbrella. They weren't, she could at least assess, in anyone's version of heaven.

It didn't lower her guard at all. If anything, it made less sense. Anna stood her ground, fists clenched, watching the woman with unblinking eyes, trying to sense- anything.

"Arrived where? Who are you?"


legallygreen June 1 2011, 01:36:14 UTC
"Chicago. But not the real one. This is just an illusion of Chicago, built by people who need our help."

Jennifer's smile was still there, but a little sad now. Wasn't what they had enough? Did they have to keep bringing people here? "My name is Jennifer Walters. What's yours?"


ahellofheaven June 1 2011, 02:18:29 UTC
'Chicago' would have been enough to confuse her. Adding 'illusory' and 'built by people' creased her forehead even more, and though this woman didn't seem to be a demon or angel or anything but human, Anna's mind felt dull and distant, her own senses unreliable.

"Anna." That was going to have to do. "Who is it that's brought me here? Where are they?"

There were only a few answers, to Anna's mind, and they'd best be gotten out of the way quickly.


godofcologne June 1 2011, 05:17:53 UTC
Still carless, Thomas was taking the opportunity to test drive several before he picked one to call his own. Today, he was realizing the downsides to driving a vehicle without a roof in a city that was threatening to turn into Seattle. The rain had abated some by now, but he was still soaked to the skin, and the road was slick as he roared down the empty street, noticing belatedly that said street was not as empty as he had supposed.

He swerved, the tires skidding just a shade too far to be considered 'safe', and slowed to a stop, as much to find his balance again as to make sure he hadn't actually hit the wandering redhead. "You need a lift there, sweetheart?"


ahellofheaven June 1 2011, 06:00:58 UTC
Anna's hair slapped wetly against her back, head whipping up to meet the rumble and voice that shouldn't have caught her unawares. She'd been staring at the wet ground, trying to recognize the illusion, trying to sense something. There was definitely 'something' there to be sensed, just out of her reach. A reach that should have extended anywhere she needed it to. She hadn't stopped being wary, just preoccupied.

So she looked as surprised as she had when first she'd opened her eyes, staring at the boy on the motorbike, her green canvas jacket sagging with rainwater around her hips. There was something familiar about his smile. She cocked her head.

"Where do you think I am going?"


godofcologne June 1 2011, 19:24:06 UTC
"Nowhere fast. Which is kind of the problem when it's raining," he answered. Thomas was, of course, not wearing a helmet and he pushed wet hair out of his eyes as he spoke. He could feel... something from the woman, but it wasn't the same life and warm emotion he could from everyone else, or the faded echoes from the city's less-than-real inhabitants.

"And doesn't make much sense, unless you're about to tell me you like pina coladas."


ahellofheaven June 2 2011, 01:58:22 UTC
The rain hadn't escaped her notice, but being the least of her curiosities, it hadn't been given much of a priority. Anna had plenty to occupy her attention for the time being, and not much fear of what she'd been warned lurked around every dismally wet corner.

"Sense? Sense?" In two long strides, Anna stood next to the boy, angrier than she probably should have been. The chances that it was his fault were slim. "Does it make sense to you that I'm trapped here by something as ridiculous as a wizard?"


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