Characters: Alice, whoever wants in
Time: New Year's Eve
Location: A masquerade ball at Chicago's Union Station
Content: It's time to ring in the new year with unfamiliar faces in an unfamiliar city for circumstances not yet revealed. Or perhaps...?
Format: Any
Warnings: Some celebratory shenanigans
(Ooc: Posted early to get a hop on threading)
...comes from some other beginning's end )
Comments 98
Not that anyone would assume that she was Scheherazade from 1001 Arabian Nights, but she had chosen her gown so that she might look more like a mythical storyteller with her long hair curled and bound in a long waterfall down her neck and back. She was also carrying a mask with her that brought out the green of the gown, her high heeled shoes making her look another three or four inches taller ( ... )
John pulled out a simple white mask and walked into the Station. Figured it couldn't be a simple party, nope, there had to be masks and costumes involved. Well, John was wearing the mask at least and his jacket was clean if that counted for anything. Plus, the white mask went well with the white jacket so if anyone argued with him they'd likely just be given a death glare and promptly ignored ( ... )
"Good evening John." She replied, acknowledging the compliment with a nod. "Thank you. I like your jacket. And Happy New Year."
She lowered her mask and sipped from the glass again, a stray curl falling down against her cheek. "I'm glad to see you, it's been a while. Been keeping busy?"
He nodded in response. He forgot sometimes that despite his reputation, or maybe by this point it was his previous reputation, he did enjoy the company of others. "It's good to see you too. Especially in a setting that it a little less smelly and cold." He offered her a smile, "Not as busy as I should be. Hard for me to take cases here when the whole city is a giant mystery. I figured it's about time I actually start getting to know the people here more." He was so used to working in the Nightside where he had at least heard of most of the players by name or reputation. He was so clueless here it was annoying. He had been taking care of some vampires though and while he'd tried following up on rumors of fallen angels he hadn't found one.
Parties that gave her an excuse to dress as the sugar plum fairy, a gown based on the classic look of the Nutcracker character. She loved parties that allowed her to wear extravagant masks as well. So she tucked away her wand and made her way to the party, eager to enjoy the company of everyone else stuck here...
Until she figured out to do, however, she would just stick to near the tables, fidgeting with her engagement ring awkwardly.
Ryou nervously adjusted the cape that he had modeled after his wizard's tabard and made sure that the matching mask was secure before heading into the main hall. Even if no one here had much of a chance of recognizing his costume's origins, he could still try to have fun. For all he knew, the spirit of the Ring might still reappear at any moment, so Ryou had to enjoy his freedom while he had the chance.
She was about to give up and find a spot on the wall to stand and watch the people coming and going when she finally ran into some luck. Another face from the water tower mission, hidden by a mask of course but that hair was a dead giveaway. Banishing her hesitation, she made her way over and stopped beside him.
"Ryou, isn't it?" She asked, standing with her hands folded in front of her.
"Yes, that's right. And you're Vin?" he replied, lifting up his mask to confirm his identity--though really, Vin was right about how his hair was enough to give him away. "I only just got here. How about you?"
"Right." She nodded, thoughtful frown fading away. "I got here a few minutes ago. I almost forgot how awkward it could be walking around these things alone."
Maureen perched on one of the tables, despite the fact that it was most likely frowned upon... One leg was crossed over the other as she sipped her drink and watched as people trickled in.
Still, the young vampire couldn't help but be on edge... After all, the more social situations she placed herself in, the larger chance she had of being outed as a bloodsucker. Wringing her hands, she kept to the outskirts of the party for now.
Not that he'd bothered to actually dress for the occasion. That required a bit more subtlety than Adell was prepared to display. Not that he was incapable of it, he just didn't see the point in bothering. This meant not only was he on the outskirts of the party, but he stuck out like more of a sore thumb than he usually did.
Rather caught off guard by the sheer number of people present, not to mention the creepy sense of wrongness he got from most of them, he lost track of where he was going, and nearly managed to run right into someone.
"Ah-Sorry about that!"
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