Shopping Trip (Open)

Oct 09, 2010 17:22

Characters: Clare Edwards, open.
Time: Afternoon.
Location: Out and about, anystreet Chicago
Content: Clare is buying a few supplies for magical defense.
Format: Prose
Warnings: Clare's got a knife!

Supplies for the novice worried of monster attack. )

[character] negi springfield, [character] sora, [character] clare edwards, !open

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underagemage October 9 2010, 21:56:49 UTC
Negi hadn't felt cold like this since he had lived in England. It was familiar in a way and made him miss his students and family even more. Months had passed it seemed and they were still no closer to figuring out anything about this place. People still showed up from places unknown and so did creatures. So far he hadn't even had a reason to tap into his higher magic, the dark curse of Erebea was dormant as far as he could tell. Probably repressed by whatever it was that dulled all supernatural abilities here. There was one time, around Halloween, that things had almost gotten out of hand, but Negi's own magic had given out due to the strain and it had worked out in the end ( ... )


becauseimboring October 13 2010, 00:33:17 UTC

... )


underagemage October 13 2010, 01:52:22 UTC
Negi pushed the door open and entered the little fast food restaurant. It was strange how even places like this could be different from what he was used to in both Japan and England, but he didn't mind it so much. "Well, originally I'm from a small village in England but up until recently I was teaching at a school in Japan," he paused and then decided to add, "But I was visiting the Magical world when I was brought here." He decided to fore go explaining where the magical world was as it would really just make things messy. He was still a little nervous about being so open with his magic and background but he felt as though it wouldn't count against him here...given the circumstances. Besides, other wizards were open about it, why couldn't he?

He smiled, he hadn't heard of Destiny Islands either but they sounded like a nice place. Negi stepped up to the food counter and placed his order there.


key_ofthe_sky October 13 2010, 15:45:51 UTC
"I've never been to any of those places before," Sora replied to both Clare and Negi, "But I'd like to see them."

He paused to place his order at the counter, then turned back to Clare.

"Destiny Islands is really nice and peaceful" there was a hint of melancholy to Sora's reply, he hadn't seen his home in close to two years, and he had thought that Door he and Riku would have sent him back there with Kairi, not send him here. But, hey, Sora was making new friends here, that was always nice.


becauseimboring October 13 2010, 16:47:03 UTC

... )


underagemage October 14 2010, 20:43:31 UTC
Negi laughed, "Well maybe if we figure out how to get out of here at all we can also figure out ways to visit other places as well." It was an interesting prospect and one that Negi was curious in. They had magical gates in his world and he imagined the same theory behind them could be used for something like that. It would take a lot of energy though he thought, remembering just how even time travel had required the special properties of the world tree.

"So what are you two going to order?"


key_ofthe_sky October 15 2010, 00:37:22 UTC
"Maybe, I've visited a lotta diferent worlds," He replied, I don't see why I couldn't visit yours!" He didn't know where their worlds were in Gummi Space, but Sora would find it and any other worlds he'd probably wanna find after he found the way outta here, Sora would want to see his friends again.

"I got the Whopper, some fries, and a chocolate shake" Sora replied, any sandwich called a "whopper" had to be good!


becauseimboring October 15 2010, 01:06:53 UTC

... )


underagemage October 16 2010, 03:59:20 UTC
Negi looked surprised that Sora had visited a great number of worlds and, after chomping on a french fry, said, "I'd love to hear about them some time, Sora."

Before he could continue gushing much more, Clare interrupted with a comment that could have very well come from one of his students. Negi almost did think it had been Chisame and nearly choked on another fry. He managed to swallow it however and smiled weakly at Clare, "It's just...part of our lives I guess."


key_ofthe_sky October 16 2010, 04:32:30 UTC
Sora nodded, at Ngi as he sipped on his shake, "Well, then I'll have to remember to tell you about them"

"You just do, I guess," Sora replied, after considering Clare's question. He stopped to take a bite of the burger, then added, "Though if it wasn't for Donald and Goofy, I probably wouldn't have" He owed Donald and Goofy everything for being there for him during that time.


becauseimboring October 16 2010, 05:05:31 UTC

... )


underagemage October 16 2010, 20:31:54 UTC
Negi didn't pick up on the fact that the Donald and Goofy Sora was talking about were the fictional cartoon characters. It just didn't really occur to him, though perhaps a name like 'Goofy' should have tipped him off.

"If it happens all the time I'm not sure it constitutes as weird," Negi said, not quite sure what else to say since the focus seemed to have shifted to Sora.


key_ofthe_sky October 22 2010, 23:25:53 UTC
"Uh, how does what work?" Sora asked in confusion, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, he wasn't aware of Donald and Goofy, or heck, any of his friends, status as being fictional characters in this world yet. So Clare's confusion left him baffled.


becauseimboring October 23 2010, 00:59:46 UTC

... )


underagemage October 24 2010, 02:28:26 UTC
"Huh," Negi looked confused. Such a thing hadn't occurred to him until Clare pointed it out herself. Could it be possible? The young mage turned to Sora expectantly, waiting for his answer. After all, with all the other things going on here it wasn't THAT out of the range of possibility...was it?


key_ofthe_sky October 24 2010, 02:32:19 UTC
"Huh?" Sora's confusion wasn't waning. Nicknames? Characters? What was Clare talking about?. "Um, well, they're from Disney Castle, but what do you mean by 'characters'?


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