Title: Where The Fruit Is
imagechildPairing: Zelenka/Lorne
Rating: R
Spoilers: Season Two, "Grace Under Pressure" (02x14)
Written For:
iocane, who wanted 'Zelenka and Lorne talk about their bosses (gen or slash)'
Summary: Don't be afraid to go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is.
Part 1 (
Where the Fruit Is (2/2) )
Comments 25
This was such fun to write. I wasn't sure about Lorne, but I've liked him from the first time I saw him--obviously smart, dry sense of humor, pretty unflappable. And much with the pretteh. Heh. I've been wanting to see if I could pair them up, and this challenge gave me the excuse. :-)
I'm glad you liked it, and thanks for taking the time to comment!
This is everything I could have hoped for. So sweet and hot and juuuust right. You'v got Radek's voice pretty darn near perfect as far as I'm concerned, lovely, wonderful and just ... awesome. I'd go on but I'm close to sounding like a thesaurus as it is. :)
(Sorry it took so long to reply - wanted to have time to sit down and read and properly savor)
I'm so glad you liked it. It was really a lot of fun to write, and came together so nicely--it was a great prompt. I love Radek of course, and I'd been wanting to try pairing him with Lorne, and this was the best excuse. I've liked Lorne since I first saw him onscreen--obviously smart, wry, dry sense of humor, and practically unflappable. So yay for you!
I prolly rated the story too high, given it was just a bit of kissing and a little gropage, but anyhoo. I'm glad you think it's hot, because I never think anything I write is. :-) And yes, Rodney *would* interrupt!
I'm so glad you liked the story, and thanks so much for taking the time to drop a comment--I appreciate it.
(And I need to read the other stories. Sheesh.)
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