Title: Belonging
koushi_san and
veracityCharacters: Michael Kenmore
Rating: PG
Spoilers: "Michael" (02x18) & "Misbegotten" (03x02)
Written For:
littlemimm, who wanted something about Michael, possibly his thoughts on being an individual vs part of a swarm.
Author's Note: Could potententially be seen as a sequel to
Dreams & Whispers.
Summary: He knows that
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Comments 6
I've thought about the difference between him and these "white people", and I was happy to see you mention it and actually use it. He does become more human than the others, since this was his second time.
Also, Teyla! And Carson! Two of my big favourites, and the way Michael percieves them... aww. It's almost as if he wants to belong to them, even when he doesn't really know who he is or where he's from.
Ack, I seem to be crap with fb this evening. Sorry about that. Just know that I was thrilled to get two pieces, especially when both of them featured Michael. Can't get much better than that. ;)
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