Majesty, had I any knowledge of how to repair such things, you would have my help gladly. But I fear, having lived in a city my entire life, I know not how to help.
[She smiles.]
Your offer of a hunt is most generous. I am certain that Tybalt would enjoy such a thing.
[There's a deep frown as he stares at the PCD, trying his hardest to make sense of what's being said. Some of it makes sense, and he guesses he's got the main point-- still, it isn't exactly clear.]
[He's just going to stare back, because Dear Lord Above who taught you to speak?]
I was merely inquiring to see if there was someone residing here who was capable of fixing my land after the damages done to it during the previous event.
Comments 126
Yes, Husband? I am here.
There is something that has been troubling me since I first arrived here. I wish to speak with you about it.
In person, if you do not mind.
At once. I will come where you bid me.
There is a spot near the back of the house where the dirt has dried. I shall meet you there as soon as I am able.
Generous repayment. You make it sound very easy, Monsieur.
Or perhaps it is only hard because you have made it so.
I didn't say it was hard for me. What do you have to offer?
And you believe you have the skills to complete this task?
[She smiles.]
Your offer of a hunt is most generous. I am certain that Tybalt would enjoy such a thing.
[He inclines his head, ever so slightly.]
I fear we may have to proceed on foot, however, since there seem to be no horses left in the place.
So long as there is a hunt of any sort, Majesty, I am certain it would please Tybalt.
[And goodness knows he needs something that's pleasing right now.]
[He has learned that even kings must fight for their place in the world from time to time.]
And you? Will you join us?
You want someone to do somethin?
I was merely inquiring to see if there was someone residing here who was capable of fixing my land after the damages done to it during the previous event.
Uh-- I can help fix stuff, if that's what you mean, dattebayo?
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