
May 28, 2013 10:41

Back from Wiscon, where I had an absolutely lovely time, getting to hang out with friends both new and old. Outside of one guy who was attempting to mansplain to us how to play munchkin when I was teaching
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fandom: power rangers, friends, recs, wiscon, munchkin, fandom: sentai

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Comments 4

marag May 28 2013, 15:00:31 UTC
::grin:: I'm so glad you're enjoying it. As I said, the Samurai one was pretty much written for you :D Well, the end at least...


second_batgirl August 20 2013, 19:13:10 UTC
And it is a great fic! ♥ ♥ ♥


rivulet027 May 28 2013, 23:04:06 UTC
Yay! Glad you had a good time!


second_batgirl August 20 2013, 19:13:22 UTC
♥ ♥ I miss you!


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