FMA_Fic_Contest- Prompt 38: Poke: "Falling" (Havoc, mentions of Mustang)

Dec 16, 2009 23:56

This was done for the FMA_Fic_Contest here on LJ. I was really proud of it, but it didn't win. Oh well.

Title: Falling
Author: Seaweed
Series: Manga/FMA: Brotherhood
Word count: 250
Rating: PG-13 for blood and violence.
Characters: Havoc, and mentions of Mustang.
Summary: It was the worst kind of betrayal...
Author's Note: Spoilers for episode 19 of the new FMA: Brotherood series.

The flash of pain that seared through him when the two fingers- no- spears ripped through his flesh, tearing muscle, bone, and tissue was excruciating. No amount of military training would ever have prepared him for the feeling of his skin ripping away from his body, run through by the woman he thought he loved.

His mouth opened up, and the cigarette that his wet match of a Colonel couldn't light tumbled from his mouth. He strained to yell, to alert the man, but all that poured from him mouth was a broken, choking noise and a coughing bubble of blood.

It vaguely registered that the spears retracting again from his body seemed to hurt much less, and that shouldn't be right, but it was only a vague thought in his mind, a flicker of thought that fluttered around his mind like a butterfly, and then vanished in an instant.

Somewhere from afar, he heard his Colonel yelling his name. But the voice sounded hollow, like he was in a tunnel- going further and further away.

He hadn't even been aware that he had started to fall until he saw the floor rushing up to meet his face. The thought of 'this is going to hurt' flashed though his mind, followed immediately by 'it already does'.

He managed one last strained cry, his eyes still disturbingly open as the ground rose to swallow him. He vaguely felt his forehead hit the disgustingly dingy floor before unconsciousness finally, mercifully claimed him.

roy mustang, fan fiction, jean havoc, one shot fic, fullmetal alchemist, fma_fic_contest, roy x havoc

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