Desperation- For Emma

Oct 13, 2009 19:25

Another for Emma, cause I am a glutton for punishment when it comes to writing little emo!drabbles.

Title: Desperation
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters: Mustang, some Hughes
Summary: A red light- a rebound.
Warnings: Spoilers for a certain character death, and.. um.. death.
Rating: Let's say PG-13.

A/N: I really need to turn off my iTunes. I read the request and Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't Fear the

Reaper" comes on....

Red light flashes.

He knows that that means.

A rebound.

His heart leaps in his chest.

He saw what it did to Ed.. what it did to Al.

What was he going to lose?

He had already lost an eye.

... he had already lost his love..

The tentacles reached out for him, black as pitch.

What were they coming for?

what more could they take?

He had watched his best friend put into the ground in front of him.

his secret lover...

He knew what he was doing was the worst type of desperation.

But what else could he do?

The tentacles reached for his heart.

it was already broken, let the Gate have it...

When the tentacles retreated back from whence they came they had done what Roy had always been unable to

do in life.

Maes, I'm coming....

roy mustang, fan fiction, maes hughes, one shot fic, fullmetal alchemist, roy x hughes, gift fic

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