Name- for Gretchen8642

Oct 13, 2009 17:05

Gretchen8642, this one is for you... (Don't worry, it will be okay....)

Title: Name
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters: Mustang, Hawkeye, Havoc, Hughes.
Summary: When she fell, he couldn't bring her name to his lips.
Warnings: Character.. death? and spoilers for chapter 100 in the manga.
Rating- I would say PG for talk of death.

A/N: Damn iTunes.. as soon as I read this, Vic Mignogna's version of "Brother" started to play, and this idea came into my head... Darn seredipity.

When Roy watched him fall, he yelled his name.


When she fell, he couldn't bring her name to his lips.


He couldn't say her name. If he did, he would be admitting that she was falling.

That she was dying...

He could see them all falling in front of him.

"Maes, you were going to work below me, help guide me to the top..."

And he couldn't make it- the dying- stop.

I could, but I can't...

He watched her collapse to the floor, and that creature... that THING looked at him.

"Now, Mustang. Open the gate."


roy x hawkeye, jean havoc, one shot fic, roy x hughes, gift fic, riza hawkeye, roy mustang, fan fiction, maes hughes, fullmetal alchemist, roy x havoc

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