The Seed of the Fire- Chapter 23: "All Good Things..." (Mustang x Hughes)

May 22, 2007 12:50

Title: All Good Things... (The Seed of the Fire- Chapter 23)
Author: SeaweedOtter
Pairing: Roy Mustang x Maes Hughes
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: AU, Set before the anime started, while Maes and Roy were roommates at the military academy.
Author Note: The story will mostly follow the manga, but it may have a bit of both.
Summary: All good things must sometime come to an end.

I have the awesome johns_elizabeth as my advisor.

Read all of the chapters so far HERE!

The week slowly ambled on at the lake house. Maes could tell that Roy seemed to relax a little more each day, and he wished that the alchemist would get to stay longer, but the vacation was quickly coming to a close.

Maes had never confronted Roy on why he left that first night, when they were sitting down by the lake. He could only imagine the confliction emotions that must have been running through the man’s head. Maes wanted nothing more than to hold him and kiss him and tell him that it would be alright. But he knew that wasn’t true. Not anymore.

It was his fault that Roy seemed to be an emotional wreck, and for once in his life Maes Hughes felt completely and utterly helpless to do anything.

On the last night before they were to leave, Roy wandered back down to the lake. Maes followed a couple of steps behind him, keeping a respectful distance. Nothing was said between the two men- the only sounds coming from the birds in the trees, calling to their mates, or warding off other birds.

They sat down on the bench like they had before, with Maes’ arm draped around Roy’s neck. Roy scooted close and rested his hand on the older man’s outer thigh. He wasn’t sure if it was the fact that this was the coldest night since they had arrived, or if Roy really wanted to be close. Either way, he was definitely enjoying the feeling of his friend’s body pressed against him.

As much as Maes wanted to, it took him quite a while to get the nerve to hold Roy’s hand. He gave it a light squeeze and grinned at the man, who smiled back- and surprised Maes by leaning in and initiating a kiss. He held it for a long time, pressing his lips hard against Maes’, clean shaven meeting scruffy.

When they finally broke, neither of them said anything for a just a moment, then their lips met again, this time more urgent, more desperate. Roy’s hand rubbed up and down Maes’ thigh, moving closer to his inner thigh with each long, languishing stroke.

Roy pushed his hands against Roy’s chest, feeing his body tense under the thin black buttoned shirt. His fingers ran over the first button, feeling the smooth surface under the pad of his thumb. Then the first button was undone in one swift movement. Maes broke the kiss long enough to smile, then pressed back in, just as needy as before.

The second button went in the same fashion as did the rest, in short work. He could feel the alchemist’s breath become short and ragged. He broke the kiss for a moment to look at Roy, smiling warmly. He could see the hesitation in those onyx eyes, but he never made any motions to try to stop what was happening.

The older man pulled Roy’s shirt off and put it on the bench beside them, making him shiver in the cold. Maes had been so lost in the moment that he hadn’t even seem how far the moon had risen into the sky, or how much colder it had become in the time they had spent out by the lake.

“Why don’t we head back?” Maes whispered into Roy’s ear, giving the bottom of his lobe a soft nibble. Roy could only nod. He grabbed his shirt, and Maes’ hand, and stood up, tugging the bespectacled man up the hill towards the house.

They walked as fast as they could to the house, up the front steps, and back into the bedroom that Roy had chosen to sleep in. As soon as the door closed, they were pressed against one another again, this time Roy was pulling Maes’ shirt off and fumbling like a clumsy teenager at his belt. He was eventually able to get both the offending garment and the belt removed. Maes pressed himself up against Roy, pressing his back into the wall and grinding his hips against the alchemist both of their arousals very apparent.

Flesh on flesh they pressed close, Roy took the advantage and turned Maes around, pressing him against the wall, pinning the taller man’s wrists to the wallpaper with his strong hands.

“Bed?” Maes suggested, and Roy nodded, unpinning the man’s wrists and pushing him towards the crumpled sheets. He pulled down his belt less pants- they were hardly staying put on his thin hips anyhow, and followed Roy to the bed, clad only in a pair of boxers.

“You are overdressed.” Maes almost purred, smiling at the man who still had his pants on. Roy smiled back, a mischievous smile, and disrobed his pants and boxers, then lay down on the bed, giving Maes a kiss as he crawled past him.

“Now who is overdressed?” He whispered, licking the back of the man’s neck. Maes shivered at the cool air on the back of his neck when Roy breathed right where he had licked a moment ago.

He didn’t waste a second, quickly pulling off the last of his clothing and throwing them to the floor. He crawled over to where Roy was and pressed down on top of him, rubbing his hand down the alchemist’s sides and laying small kissed and nibbles on the man’s neck. He leaned up to Roy’s ear and whispered, “I want you.”

“I know.” Roy replied with a smile. In a quick movement, he rolled over and pinned Maes underneath himself, kneeling over the man so that their hips met and pushed close against each other. Roy could feel the heat from the friction as he rubbed himself against his rock hard lover. He could hear the agonizing groans of pleasure emanating from the man’s lips- desperate for more.

It was Roy’s turn to lean in and whisper in Maes’ ear. “You want me?” Maes whimpered softly and nodded. “Do you *really* want me?” He cooed. His nodding got more fervent. Roy leaned in until his mouth was practically inside of the man’s ear and barely audibly said “Show me.”

Maes took off his glasses and laid them on the bedside table, then pressed upwards, his erection pressing hard against the alchemist’s inner thigh. He smiled at Roy, who tried to hide his pleasure, but did a poor job- his breath caught and his hissed softly. Maes arched his back, pushing up harder, while his hand roamed his lover’s chest, brushing softly over a nipple and then down over his belly to the fine patch of curly black hair.

Roy’s eyes closed, and he balled up his fists hard, his fingernails biting into the skin of his palm. He bit his lip, trying not to show how little it really took for his lover to get the alchemist aroused, but he was already fully erect, a tiny droplet of clear liquid on the end.

“I need to be inside of you…” Roy groaned, finally not trying any more to hide the pleasure that was written all over his face. “Please, just this once. I need this…”

Maes smiled. There was no way that he could deny his lover, even if he hadn’t pleaded. He leaned up and kissed the man on the lips. “Of course.” Roy moved off of Maes so he could roll over onto his stomach. He got up from the bed and went into the bathroom, where he grabbed his shampoo and squirted some in his hands, then walked back in.

“Our old standby.” He grinned, remembering times in the past when they had used the same shampoo when they had nothing else.

Maes nodded and smiled back. “Works well in a pinch!” Roy didn’t wait to get back on the bed before slathering the length of his cock with the shampoo, lubing it up as well as he could. He held onto the last little bit of the lubricant, crawling back into the bed, he kneeled over his lover once again and lubed up a couple of his fingers.

“Relax, please. I don’t want to hurt you.” Roy said softly. ‘It would be fair.’ Maes thought to himself. ‘I have already hurt you so much. I would take all your pain willingly if you’d give it to me.’

One finger slipped slowly inside, Maes tensed for a moment, and then willed his muscles to relax, knowing that it would make it easier. He groaned softly as the man moved his finger in and out, lubing his insides and stretching the inner muscles for what was to come. He groaned when Roy hit that sensitive bundle of nerves, and he could just tell that Roy was smiling, even if he couldn’t see the man while he was on his stomach.

A second finger entered, and the older man grunted, He hadn’t been stretched for a long time, and it was painful while his body got used to the feeling of something entering him from behind. But Maes knew that it would feel worse before it felt much, much better.

The fingers slid out of his now well lubricated rear, and Roy leaned down, kissing him on the back of his neck. “Are you ready?” He whispered.

“Yes.” Came the reply.

“Okay.” Roy reached underneath his body and gave Maes’ length a quick stroke with his still shampoo-laden hands, and used his other hand to guide himself to the entrance- then, with a low grunt, he pressed inside.

“Rrrrff...” Maes growled and bit his lip, intense pain shooting up his spine, like he was being torn apart from the inside. Roy halted for a moment, only a couple of inches inside, but Maes looked back and smiled. “Please, Roy. Please do it.” He begged.

With one long push, Roy bottomed out inside of his lover, and held himself there. One of his hands rested on the man’s hips, the other was underneath him, slowly stroking up and down his cock, using two fingers to gently massage the underside of his glans.

“Oh… “Maes pleaded. “Please, please take me.” Roy didn’t need to hear any more. He started into a rhythm, pulling out and pushing fully back in, slowly at first. Every time he brushed past those nerves, Maes would moan and arch his back, and his other hand would feel Maes’ cock tense for just a brief moment before relaxing again.

Every instinct in Roy’s body was to go faster and harder, to ravish this man, but he held back, slowly increasing the speed and severity of his thrusting, which took almost every ounce of willpower that he had in his body.

“M-m-ore... p-p-lease.” Maes begged, and Roy gave it to him- harder and faster he went, a sheen of sweat forming on his brow, his breath short and ragged. He was close, so close, he could feel it building up inside of him, like a volcano ready to blow. But he tried to hold off. His hand stroked Maes faster now, gripping him hard and running the inside of his palm against the whole length of the man’s cock.

He felt Maes tense up. He shut his eyes and his body started to shiver, he started to buck against Roy’s thrusts. Just a little more. He knew his lover was teetering on the edge of the abyss.

With one hard thrust, Roy threw his head back. “Mrrrrrff!” He pushed as hard as he could, his whole body shuddering before he spilled his seed deep into his lover. Through the haze of his orgasm, he tried to will his mind to keep stroking Maes, and he was rewarded a few moments later when he felt the man shiver, and his own hot liquid ran over the alchemist’s hand as he continued to move up and down.

When the pleasure finally faded, and Roy pulled himself out and collapsed beside Maes, neither of them could speak for a time, while they attempted to find their collective breaths. When Roy finally could say something, he leaned over and gave Maes a little kiss and whispered, “I love you.” Into his ear.

But Maes was already well on his way to falling asleep.


The next morning, they packed as slowly as they could, neither of them wanting this wonderful vacation to end. But they had brought very little along, and inevitably, they completed their grim task.

As Roy put the last small box of food in the back of the car and closed the door, he watched Maes walk out of the front door and lock it, then walk over to him and give him a little kiss on the cheek. He smiled slightly at the little limp that Maes had from the previous night’s transgressions.

“So, things are going back to normal now, I guess.” Roy said, with more than a little sadness in his voice.

Maes nodded grimly and walked over towards the passenger side of the car, opening the door but he didn’t step in right away. “Yeah, I guess so. I guess it doesn’t help to tell you that I am sorry, and I hate that it is like this.”

Roy shrugged and didn’t respond. “You need to ask her to marry you, Maes. She isn’t going to wait forever, and I will be damned if I am going to carry the guilt of you losing the girl you love, even if it does mean possibly getting you back. It… isn’t worth it.”

Maes closed the door again and came back over to Roy, giving him a long hug and a kiss on the lips. “I know. I was hoping that I would get the blessing of the best man.” He gave Roy a little clap on the back, and got into the car this time, shifting uncomfortably on the seat and complaining. “This is gonna be a long drive back with a sore ass.”

Roy chuckled and hopped into the driver’s side, closed his door and revved the engine. “Yeah, but you gotta love the company, right?”

“When it is that person’s fault?”

Roy tried to pout, but Maes wasn’t buying it.

“Come on, let’s go home.”

roy mustang, the seed of the fire, fan fiction, maes hughes, multi-chapter fic, fullmetal alchemist, roy x hughes

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