Title: Static
Characters: Don Flack/Eva Patterson (OC)
Prompt: 090. Bomb
Word Count: 724
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Flack's POV during "Charge of this Post."
Author's Notes: Spoilers for "Charge of this Post." I also tried to do this piece a stream of consciousness, so if it's a little jumpy, that's kind of what I was going for. Also, Flack's supposed to be very disoriented, so it's not necessarily completely in character. DISCLAIMER: I own nothing you recognize. The lines in italics that aren't from Eva are from the episode itself, so i don't own those either.
There was a lot of black. I couldn’t see much other than black. There was a lot of shadows in the black too, if that made any sense. There were things moving, and I could hear sounds and noises around him, but I couldn’t figure out what they were, who they were, where they were. All I knew was that I was on the ground, and I was in pain.
Or, at least I think I was.
“Don! Don!”
Was that my name? Someone calling my name? Someone-the voice sounded familiar, but I can’t really place it. My head wasn’t really focusing at the moment either. Everything was all really fuzzy. It was like I was losing the radio station in a car, and couldn’t find the number to get the signal to come in clearer.
“Hang on. We’re gonna get you out of here.”
Mac? Maybe.
The pain was a strange one. It was there, and I could feel it, but I couldn’t really feel it. But I knew that I couldn’t move. And I knew that I couldn’t see. And I was strangely at peace. Kind of like I was floating.
An out of body experience. That’s what I was having.
“I’m gonna need your help. Wash up.”
There was the voice again. Was he talking to me? I couldn’t tell. Everything was all really confusing, and I just wanted the static to go away. There were hands, touching me, inside me, but it was just like the pain. It was happening, but I couldn’t really feel it. I just lay there and took it. I couldn’t really move anyway. Nothing really seemed to be working.
Am I dying?
Maybe I am. What happened? This morning. This morning I woke up. My phone was ringing. Eva was next to me.
God, she was pretty. She had such a pretty smile. I love her so much. If I die, I hope Danny would be the one to tell her. Because she knew Danny. She didn’t know anybody else. Danny would take care of her. Danny would be there for her.
What was I trying to figure out?
Oh yeah. So there was a call. DB in the village. I had to go. Eva could sleep through an earthquake, so by the time she actually realized I wasn’t next to her anymore, I was ready to head out the door.
“Gonna leave without saying goodbye?”
“I was gonna write a note.”
I had kissed her, and was ready to leave but she was still holding my hand.
“Come home to me, K?”
“Always do.”
“I know that. But don’t do go playing the stupid hero and get yourself shot.”
“I won’t, I promise.”
Well, I didn’t exactly lie to her. I didn’t get myself shot. At least I don’t think I did. But I don’t think she’s gonna see it that way.
What was I thinking about?
The DB. I met Mac at the scene, then went to meet Lindsay and show her where it was. She made some joke about block parties in Montana being in Wyoming, or something like that. We went to the scene. She went back to get something from her car. Mac and I followed the blood trail. Found-was it a ladder? And there was something about a hole in the ceiling. There was something-
Bomb. It was a bomb. There was a bomb in the ceiling. We had to get people out. We were getting people out. Guy with the headphones. I was yelling at him, and then-
Black. Nothing. Nothing but black.
“Stay with me, Don! Stay with me!”
Mac again. It’s definitely, Mac. There was a banging noise this time too. A lot of banging. A really loud banging-
“Mac? Mac? You in there?”
Another voice. And light. More light. The light was really confusing. The light was kind of throwing me off. What the hell was the light doing there?
Maybe I really am dying? Maybe that light is telling me which way to go to meet my maker? I dunno. But I was not a big fan of the light.
“Danny! Flack’s injured!”
Danny? The light was Danny? I was so confused.
I think I need to take a break for a while.
Sleep. Yeah.
Time to go to sleep…