Okay, in spirit of the fairy tale challenge, i made fairy tale banners ..yay! lol
I've had a few on my f-list saying they were having trouble being inspired or the muse had abandoned them, so maybe this will help jumpstart some inspiration...and if anyone you like to use them for their stories, great! (sorry i know there was several frog stories, but i didn't do a frog banner..lol)
There is one more banner that i'm going to post with my ficlet in the next post it's still sharable.
Click banners to see full size.
Workplace safe.
Want anything customized just let me know.
If you want take.
Please credit.
No hotlinking.
Comments are like crack.
ETA: If anyone does use a banner for a story, i put links to the stories on my site, if you would like yours linked just let me know.