Banners: six fic banners and one vid banner

May 20, 2024 23:12

Title: six fic banners and one vid banner
Creator: Double Dutchess
Form: banner
Era: season 5, season 6 AU, post-series, comics canon
Rating: other ( Read more... )

era: comics canon, creator: double_dutchess, recco/repost, era: btvs s5, era: btvs s6, rating: other, era: post-series, form: banner/wallpaper/manip

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Comments 12

slaymesoftly May 21 2024, 22:59:20 UTC

... )


slaymesoftly May 21 2024, 22:59:33 UTC

Great choices!!!


double_dutchess May 25 2024, 23:17:10 UTC

Thank you! I wish I could have done more; there have been so many other great entries over the years.


teragramm May 22 2024, 12:29:42 UTC

I don't think I have seen these before but they are all wonderful!!


double_dutchess May 25 2024, 23:18:27 UTC

Thanks! The banners are all brand new, but the entries they are for are not - I recommend checking them out if you missed them before!


debris4spike May 22 2024, 15:54:57 UTC
Beautiful work - I especially liked the first one "The Gift"

(And some recs, as well)


double_dutchess May 25 2024, 23:19:30 UTC

Thank you! Given the theme, and the fact that it's the last round (at least on LiveJournal/DW) I though a combination of artwork and recs would be appropriate.


the_wiggins May 23 2024, 05:08:48 UTC

Great banners! I love that they serve both as beautiful banners in their own right, and a lovely tribute/ way to rec Seasonal Spuffy works from throughout the years. I'm definitely going to check these all out when I get a chance. I noticed that several of them are on AO3 or Elysian Fields, (I think I found Black Widow on Ao3 at some point not knowing it was a Seasonal Spuffy story) so I'll probably read them there and leave a comment for the authors. :)

My favorite banners are the ones for The Gift and Love Declaration to My Toothbrush, but they're all super fun. And I love that you did one for the stop-motion video. I somehow missed that one that year, so it was a joy to discover it now.


double_dutchess May 25 2024, 23:23:12 UTC

Thank you! Yes, most of them are on Elysian Fields and/or AO3, and a few on Sunnydale After Dark. They're all worth checking out in my opinion. Black Widow has been a favourite of mine for a long time, and if you haven't seen the graphic novel version yet, you definitely MUST! Link (to part 1):

The playmobil stop motion video is one of my favourite entries from recent years; it's so original.


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