Vid: Spuffy Abridged

May 20, 2022 16:13

Title: Spuffy Abridged
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season/setting: All of 'em!
Rating: Same as the show (I guess that's R?). Expect an overview of ALL of Spuffy, not just the highs but also including the lows.
Notes: This vid was inspired by the classic Buffy the Vampire Slayer Abridged vid by Rowena. A Spuffy version seemed to fit the " ( Read more... )

era: btvs s2, era: comics canon, form: vid, rating: r, creator: double_dutchess, era: btvs s4, era: btvs s5, era: btvs s6, era: btvs s7, era: btvs s3

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Comments 16

sandy_s May 20 2022, 16:00:51 UTC
One of my fave Buffy videos of all time is the whole series set to the William Tell overture and omg, you made a Spuffy version!!!! And it’s perfect! I love it. Totally saved it to watch when I need Spuffy fic inspiration. Thank you for including the comics because I know there are issues with the comics but I can’t help but claim them for canon because of the beautiful Spuffy we get. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

ETA: I just read your author note and haha. I didn’t read it but just dove in. What a wonderful piece you’ve created!


double_dutchess May 22 2022, 21:59:56 UTC
Ha, yes,Rowena's is one of my favourite vids too and totally the big inspiration for this one! So good to hear that you think my Spuffy version lives up to the level of the original. I had been a bit worried about including the comics, so it's a relief that you and others actually appreciate them being included. I did try to keep that part very short so I'm afraid the narrative is pretty disjointed, but I just couldn't not include them in a 25 years celebration vid!


jesterlady May 20 2022, 17:34:23 UTC


double_dutchess May 22 2022, 22:00:15 UTC
Thank you so much!


gillo May 20 2022, 23:26:26 UTC
This is a total delight. I love the pacing and the way the musical crescendos fit the moments you showed on screen.


double_dutchess May 22 2022, 22:09:06 UTC
Thank you! There are several places where the chronological order made it difficult to find a good fit, but I did try to match the crescendos with appropriate clips, and I'm glad you think I succeeded in that.


ston3y1 May 21 2022, 08:17:56 UTC
This is incredible DD, and obviously I *loooove* that you went through into the comic seasons too. A fabulous array of moments and the music is just great with it.


double_dutchess May 22 2022, 22:11:34 UTC
Thank you Stoney! I had been a bit worried about including the comics, but I knew you would be among those who would appreciate them being included! I did give them short shrift compared to the TV seasons, but it's better than nothing, right?


ston3y1 May 23 2022, 04:10:26 UTC
Oh, definitely. They got to some significant points and had important moments in those seasons so I really love seeing any inclusion. XD


stuffnonsense May 22 2022, 14:50:21 UTC

... )


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