Title: "Choosey Susie" Medium: vid Creator: Double Dutchess Era/season/setting: S6 Rating: nothing that wasn't seen in the show, but probably not worksafe
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Thank you!! I think one of the goals of vidding is showing familiar scenes in a new way, so I'm glad to hear I succeeded in that. (That I used the new HD version of the episodes probably also helped :-)
I'll be back after I've seen the vid, but I have two things to say already. *g* (1) our puns deserve each other (2) your season 6 warning cracks me up, and tomorrow you'll see why...
I'm back! It's great! The song fits amazingly, and I love the looks on their faces and the timing (and also the sweet, sweet HD quality :D).
1) Without yours I would never have thought of mine!
2) What a coincidence, that's great.
And thanks! Yeah, that song could have been written for them. (But I have that with a lot of Stranglers songs, I don't know why :-) And working with the new HD episodes is awesome.
Love the vid, beautiful editing. The choice of song felt both amusing and at times poignant, worked pretty well as an expression of Spike's POV. And that last line, implying that like Lot's wife, Buffy has walk away without looking back... Sad, but fits with how they would both kinda see the situation at this point.
Thank you! Glad to hear you think the song fits Spike's perspective. I always thought so as well, which is of course why I couldn't resist using it for a vid. I think the line about Lot's wife fits with both Spike's and Buffy's perspective, but they each interpret it quite differently. The way I see it, Spike thinks he is "in Buffy's system" now, and she can't turn back to how things were before; but for Buffy indeed it means she has to walk away without looking back. But I like that it can be interpreted in many different ways; there's room for everybody to see it their way.
Comments 28
Behind blue eyes
(1) our puns deserve each other
(2) your season 6 warning cracks me up, and tomorrow you'll see why...
I'm back! It's great! The song fits amazingly, and I love the looks on their faces and the timing (and also the sweet, sweet HD quality :D).
2) What a coincidence, that's great.
And thanks! Yeah, that song could have been written for them. (But I have that with a lot of Stranglers songs, I don't know why :-) And working with the new HD episodes is awesome.
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