Karaoke, Kittens, and Christmas (Fanfic)

Nov 15, 2015 21:58

Title: Karaoke, Kittens, and Christmas

Author: EllieRose101

Season: Post Series BtVS / Angel Season 5

Rating: PG

Story Bio.: Spike has some crazy seasonal adventures

Author Note: Originally written as a Secret Santa present for Tumblr, last year, I have reworked this story to give it an extra-special Spuffy ending ( Read more... )

form: fic, rating: other, genre: holiday, creator: ellierose101, era: ats s5

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Comments 11

kerry_220 November 16 2015, 11:25:55 UTC
Kittens make everything better :-)


ellierose101 November 16 2015, 17:53:54 UTC
That they do :)
It's probably worth pointing out that I came up with the kitten idea before they ever used that plotline in the comics.


red_satin_doll November 16 2015, 13:27:19 UTC
I adored the first half - and as I'm not a "Spike-first Spuffy fan" that's saying something that a fluffy Spike-centric bit can enchant me. The formatting is wonky (I hate the way LJ always messes up my careful paragraph spacing) but oddly enough that adds to the effect here of how someone who is righteously drunk (and getting drunker) perceives stuff - or will remember it the next day if at all.

he pictured Dawn’s crying face anytime he tried. Rolling his eyes and swearing under his breath, he decided to drop the beasts off at the animal shelter across town, which was of course closed when he got there. Plan B? More poker, where he managed to get rid of half of the cats again by playing purposefully bad.

Oh Spike...points for effort, dude, but, giving the kittens to another demon to eat so the blood isn't on your teeth hands is kind of missing the point. *lol*


ellierose101 November 16 2015, 17:55:21 UTC
Thanks for your review! I was unaware of how Live Journal affects/distorts paragraph sizes and shapes *pouts*


red_satin_doll November 16 2015, 20:29:47 UTC
I have to fight with it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I put up a post. Sometimes I'll resort to putting ellipses or asterisks between paragraphs - not because I want to break up the text but just to keep it from running all together.

The most frustrating part is when I look at it in Preview Mode and it looks fine, but the mistakes still show up when I post it. Maybe if I knew code and I did everything manually I could avoid that. Like that'll happen anytime soon. Nice to know it's not just me, though!


manoah November 16 2015, 19:54:05 UTC
Awwww, that was fun! I love kittens, karaoke not so much (so I feel his pain). This was great fun! Thanks for sharing.


ellierose101 November 17 2015, 23:09:10 UTC
Glad you liked it! :)


The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, November 17 livejournal November 17 2015, 22:50:07 UTC
User rbfvid referenced to your post from The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, November 17 saying: [...] Karaoke, Kittens, and Christmas [...]


relurker November 21 2015, 15:38:07 UTC
This is totally meow!
Very cute.
: )


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