Fic: Fin Amour (1/6)

Jul 01, 2010 00:00

This story is complete and all six parts will be posted today.  Yay for the free-for-all!

Title: Fin Amour
Author: angearia
Summary: The monks’ spell to create the Key goes wonky.
Timeline: Season 5 AU
Rating: R for (highlight to view) language, graphic violence and character death.
Word Count: ~14,000

Author’s Note: The beginning dialogue in the prologue ( Read more... )

genre: baby/kid/parent fic, form: fic, era: btvs s5, rating: other, creator: angearia

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Comments 20

zanthinegirl July 1 2010, 15:25:28 UTC
I'm not normally a huge fan of babyfic, but this is flat out fun. You just can't have enough witty banter for me!

I like the idea of Dawn being Buffy's baby. It makes great sense plotwise; more sense than middle-school Dawn when you think about it. I'm sort of surprised it hasn't been done more.


angearia July 1 2010, 15:32:12 UTC
I think it's that babyfic inevitably falls into schmoop territory. This is more zany and angsty. And word--the more banter, the better!

I feel like the "Dawn being Buffy's baby" has to have been done before--I just can't think of a story I've read like that. But I must say that moscow_watcher's "Black Magic, White Lies" was a plot inspiration for this story regarding the key-pregnancy.


snickfic July 7 2010, 22:31:23 UTC
Okay, this part mostly just had me giggling. "Professionally urgent" - hah! And Spike keep wanting a smoke, and forgoing for the sake of the baby's health. And Spike's summary of his plan for the evening - because it's clear that wooing is more or less what he's trying to do, except he's following her lead at the same time, which isn't getting him anywhere much.


angearia July 8 2010, 02:43:45 UTC
YES. Spike is not smoking! Haha, so glad you commented on that. And he doesn't even think to use it as a way to get on her good side because he's too busy arguing with her about other very important things.

And Spike's summary of his plan for the evening - because it's clear that wooing is more or less what he's trying to do, except he's following her lead at the same time, which isn't getting him anywhere much.

This. Exactly this.


jennylayne July 8 2010, 01:28:05 UTC
Love it so far - on to chapter two.

“That wasn’t me wooing. That was the cheeky banter portion of the evening. You shove me around a bit, toss out a few insults, I do the same ‘cept less with the physical ‘cause you’re all delicate and I’m all chipped-” He squints and tilts his head to the side, searching her expression. “Why? Did you want wooing? I can do wooing.”

Sounds exactly like season 5 Spike.


angearia July 8 2010, 02:44:17 UTC


natural_blue_26 January 2 2011, 17:31:35 UTC
Saw this rec'd a comm this morning, and I love it already! Seems very in character so far.

Poor Buffy....And poor Spike for having to deal with magically!knocked up!Buffy.


angearia January 2 2011, 17:35:12 UTC
Thank you! I hope you continue to enjoy!

Haha, indeed. Poor Buffy and poor Spike.

(Tissue warning for later, though.)


Recs Post #14 pingback_bot February 4 2011, 03:13:13 UTC
User snickfic referenced to your post from Recs Post #14 saying: [...] yet. Also a pretty even split between the Spuffy stuff and the other stuff. Teh Spuffy Fin Amour [...]


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