Fic: Lawful Impediment (2/2)

Nov 07, 2008 17:36

Author : spikesdebTitle : LAWFUL IMPEDIMENT ( Read more... )

form: fic, rating: other, era: post-series, creator: spikesdeb

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Comments 45

Fic: Lawful Impediment (2/2) cordykitten November 8 2008, 12:00:08 UTC
And Giles had his chance to tell Buffy that Spike was there... and yet let Buffy continue.
I'm glad that he found the courage to interfere after all. But wouldn't it have been for Dawn's remark, would he? Not sure. Too blind for Buffy (what she really wants.)
Good to see it ended well and both of them are happy now :)


Re: Fic: Lawful Impediment (2/2) spikesdeb November 10 2008, 22:31:38 UTC
Thanks so much for your comment. Yes Giles finally saw the light - I think he would have confessed all, eventually. Thanks again.


moscow_watcher November 8 2008, 14:32:01 UTC
Great story. Go Giles!

“But…white, Buffy?” - “It’s kinda dirty-white,” - “Wanna get it dirtier?”

Squeee! That's my couple! :)


spikesdeb November 10 2008, 22:32:37 UTC
Hee! Thank you - I thought we needed some UST and innuendo in the mix. Glad I got a squee!


just_sue November 8 2008, 16:07:28 UTC
I still wanna hit Giles. Does that make me bad?

Delightful angst and fairytale ending. What could be better? Cracking story which I really, really enjoyed, hun. Thanks ever so. *hugs*


spikesdeb November 10 2008, 22:33:06 UTC
LOL! Nah, you hit away Sue! Thanks so much for your comments, as always. Glad you enjoyed.


treadingthedark November 8 2008, 16:40:35 UTC
Ooh lovely. I feel all choked up and happy right now. Thanks


spikesdeb November 10 2008, 22:33:30 UTC
Awww, thanks. Choked up and happy is what I was aiming for :)


brutti_ma_buoni November 8 2008, 18:37:11 UTC
Aww, I'm a puddle of feelgood (cancelled)wedding-fic goo. Heartwarming for a rainy old day, for which many thanks.


spikesdeb November 10 2008, 22:34:19 UTC
Hee! Glad I could brighten the rainy day - let's face it, we need it! Thank you!


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