
Oct 09, 2008 20:32

The last chapter of the day.  The Dr halved my Paxil, so let's hope that heralds a return of the plot kitties.

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form: fic, era: indeterminate, rating: other, genre: holiday, creator: maryperk73703

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Comments 15

ladycat713 October 10 2008, 07:04:29 UTC
What a great new verse! I hope the Paxil halving helps kick start more.


maryperk73703 October 20 2008, 17:35:12 UTC
Thanks. I'm glad you like it.


moscow_watcher October 10 2008, 14:51:29 UTC
Love the 'verse you created! There is an epic feel in it. Hopefully you won't abandon this wonderful story.


maryperk73703 October 20 2008, 17:45:37 UTC
Thanks. Not abandoned, just slightly lost. LOL


sammywol October 10 2008, 16:18:39 UTC
Meep! TBC? *whimpers* Ok, decides to trust you and your torturing plot bunnies (do you think that was why Anya was so scared of them?)


maryperk73703 October 20 2008, 17:46:26 UTC
Hehe, I'm sorry. Actually, I think of them as plot kitties. They only want to play when they want to, are touch me nots, and then attack all at once. hehe.


maryperk73703: Persons in Mirror... Chapter 3/? cordykitten October 10 2008, 22:39:10 UTC
Oh! Nice twist :D

Spell in a spell, story in a story. But sadly the last chapter for now.
Looking forward to more!


Re: maryperk73703: Persons in Mirror... Chapter 3/? maryperk73703 October 20 2008, 17:46:39 UTC


Re: maryperk73703: Persons in Mirror... Chapter 3/? cordykitten October 20 2008, 18:01:58 UTC
BTW - will you post the other chapters in your LJ? Saw you've updated your site but sadly only with the first three chapters.


Re: maryperk73703: Persons in Mirror... Chapter 3/? maryperk73703 October 20 2008, 19:22:01 UTC
Yeah, I just didn't feel like dealing with posting to LJ. Unfort. I still only have these chapters. I've got a heck of a writer's block. The paxil played havoc with me. I was tired and nauseous. That really blocked the kitties. Don't tell my therapist, but I went off the paxil completely. I hated it. Sorry, dude, but it didn't give me any focus. Even my hubby mentioned how distracted and spacy I've been since I went on it.


oracleholly October 18 2008, 00:26:22 UTC
I do hope you are planning more of this story/verse?! I do think you have the start of something quite unique. The return of Whistler, Oz, Cordelia, spirit!Tara (though off-screen) are welcome joys. And yay for Buffy for not only holding Spike's hand in front of her friends & Angel, but then sticking up for herself for doing so.


maryperk73703 October 20 2008, 17:47:37 UTC
I sure hope there's more planned. Although, there's two plot kitties vying for attention. I've never actually wrote a story with two endings before. Maybe I should just do it that way.


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