The Secret Slayer, Chapter 8

Sep 28, 2006 09:27

Angel loses his soul.

Chapter 1:  here
Chapter 2: here
Chapter 3:  here
Chapter 4: here
Chapter 5: here
Chapter 6: here
Chapter 7: here

Read more... )

era: btvs s2, genre: vamped character, rating: nc-17, form: fic, creator: maryperk73703, era: btvs s1

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Comments 10

alexpallex September 28 2006, 16:37:24 UTC
Ooooh, great chapter! Now I have to take a pause to shower but I'm looking forward to the rest.


maryperk73703 September 28 2006, 18:41:28 UTC
Thank you.


schehrezade_1 September 28 2006, 22:43:41 UTC
Ohh that bit with Angel stalking after Beth in the Bronze seems a wee bit too Angelus! Nicely written.

And The Specter's threat if Angel hurts Spike is excellent!


maryperk73703 September 29 2006, 00:22:00 UTC
Yeah, Angel's scary. I loved Specter's thread to Angel when it flowed from my fingers. LOL


harpygoddess September 28 2006, 23:44:50 UTC
I love the Specter's bloodthirsty threats! On the the next chappie.


maryperk73703 September 29 2006, 00:22:37 UTC
She's viscious, isn't she? Hope Angel doesn't mess up any time in the future.


redwulf50 September 28 2006, 23:50:36 UTC
"If he hurts you in any way, he will have centuries to regret it. I will cut off his arms and his legs. I will keep him alive at my mercy until he begs for release from his unlife."

you know??? I knew I liked you :D


maryperk73703 September 29 2006, 00:23:03 UTC
You just adore Angel dustage and/or torture.


megan_peta October 6 2006, 12:12:13 UTC
Excites me too. Reading on.


maryperk73703 October 6 2006, 15:16:46 UTC
Thanks. Protective Buffy is an awesome sight to see.


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