The Secret Slayer, Chapter 6

Sep 28, 2006 09:09

What's My Line?  Part 2  Spike makes friends with a Scooby and the ceremony in the church has the same dire consequences.

Chapter 1:  here
Chapter 2: here
Chapter 3:  here
Chapter 4: here
Chapter 5: here

Read more... )

era: btvs s2, genre: vamped character, rating: nc-17, form: fic, creator: maryperk73703, era: btvs s1

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Comments 10

alexpallex September 28 2006, 15:54:22 UTC
I've always hated Drusilla but I actually really like her in this fic. Hell, even Xander's being a nice guy. And he's nice to Spike, well sort of at least. I bow down before you! I swear, you're writing it as I wish that it should've been only that I didn't know it until I started reading this. Is that coherent? Because I swear it isn't.


maryperk73703 September 28 2006, 18:38:28 UTC
I don't care for Dru most of time either. When I first started writing I found her very difficult to write, but she's much easier to do now. And I like Xander, I really do! Although he's an easy one to write as going evil, too.


schehrezade_1 September 28 2006, 22:40:45 UTC
Damn you made me like Xander! Fix it *g*!!

Sneaky working around of Angel death in the ritual - all in all a brill chapter!


maryperk73703 September 29 2006, 00:20:47 UTC
Sorry. I like Xander. I really do. Sorry, no making Xander an ass this time around.


redwulf50 September 28 2006, 23:18:39 UTC
Ohhhhhh, poor Spike
You know it is realty Angel's fault *nods*


maryperk73703 September 29 2006, 00:21:05 UTC
Of course. Everything is Angel's fault. LOL


kargrif September 29 2006, 04:47:57 UTC
sigh, poor Spike, always so battered and bruised and knocked unconcious, rofl


maryperk73703 September 29 2006, 11:59:32 UTC
Yeah, but he's a big vampy boy. He can handle it.


athenewolfe September 29 2006, 08:24:29 UTC
Oh wonderful chapter - I adore it - I LOVE IT So much!


maryperk73703 September 29 2006, 11:59:42 UTC


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