I Walk Alone

May 17, 2015 06:47

Title: I Walk Alone
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike and Buffy
Medium - Art Picspam - heavy emphasis on the spam
Rating: PG
Setting: S5
Disclaimer: Joss does not even own them, damn it!
A/N: This is one of my fave Spuffy scenes and I liked the way the camera slowly panned them. From intent to murder to silent comforter. That Spike! He walks his own path and so does Buffy. A nice excuse to make a Photoshop action to clean up, textureise and present a bunch of images. Forgot to make an icon. And durn uploaded in order instead of reverse. One at a time add then it is. 28 images you scroll quickly to get one of those old time flickering films. :D Thans to Greenday who sometimes sound quite nice, for singing about our star crossed kids.






Silly buggers!
Thanks to the mods for once again running this little corner of Spuffy heaven.
Thanks to my fellow posters for sharing your Spuffy love!
Spuffy for eva!!

creator: comlodge, era: btvs s5, form: banner/wallpaper/manip

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