I've been dealing with some personal stuff recently, so not only did I miss my posting day on the 15th, but I also don't have anything made to contribute. So I decided to open a request post. But there are a few conditions.
1. You must be a member to request.
2. You can request 1 of the following:
*** 3 icons
*** 1 animated icon
*** 1 wallpaper
*** 2 tumblr icons
*** 1 header or tumblr banner
*** 1 animated gif
So go request away. Comment with your request here. If there's a specific picture you want me to use and it's not readily available, include it in your comment. I can also customize your art however you would like. If you want to see examples of what I've done in the past, visit my tag here on seasonal spuffy or visit my graphics journal