The Journey of Spike and Buffy

May 11, 2015 08:09

Title: Spuffy Memories
Author: comlodge
Characters: Spike and Buffy
Medium: Art - Wallpaper
Rating: M - depictions of violence
Disclaimer: They belong to someone else.
A/N: Some snaps of some my fave episodes and scenes in the journey that was Spike and Buffy from S4 to S7. One almost always begins with Something Blue for Spuffy. There was so much more to their engagement than a simple wish of "Why don't they just get married." The happiness, the intimacy, the thoughtfulness from both. Feelings to linger in both long after the spell.

Click the image for a larger version.

S5 has to include that moment in Intervention when Buffy realised that Spike had truly done something unselfish and heroic for her. Perhaps vampires are more than she's been taught.
S5 - Out of Mind when Spike realises he is in love with Buffy, truly in love. The basis for a true reflection of what he is and the hope and desire that he can change.
S5 -The Gift when Buffy asks and trusts Spike to protect her sister not only from Glory but from her father figure. She shows her trust to him when she reinvites him into her home. Spike's words " treat me like a man..." are a telling line of how far they have progressed in their relationship.

S6 - Once More With Feeling when they both learned some truths about each other,
S6 -Smashed because in those first moments we see the look of awe on Spike's face and feelings in Buffy's.
S6 - Wrecked because the very next morning Spike's mouth opened well before his brain engaged and everything descended from there and then in Villains she takes her sister to him to protect her and asks Clem "Did he say when he'd be back?"

S7 - Never Leave Me with Buffy tending to a chained Spike after she has knocked him out and her words "I believe in you."
S7 - Showtime and Buffy rescues Spike from the First. She sees the torture, she sees his soul and shows him hers.
S7 - Touched where Spike rescues Buffy by word and deed.

creator: comlodge, form: banner/wallpaper/manip, era: btvs s7

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