Title: My Dreams
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike/Buffy
Medium: Art - icon, Banner, Wallpaper
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my characters or clips. My Photoshop skills
Season: S6
A/N: I loved this particular scene from Dead Things in S6 and thought of it immediately when I was listening to the song behind Blue Eyes by the Who. I thought the line I've used is particularly suited to Spike and Buffy at this particular time. Their relationship is the wrecked house. He is still a demon who struggles to have a conscience worthy of the Slayer he loves and his love for her is drawing him out of the dark, into the light. Buffy is struggling to come back to life, to feel again, to get past the harsh reality of losing her place in heaven and the feelings that being with Spike is changing those lights from dark hysteria into the colours of life. Their relationship burns them both even as they struggle to achieve the dreams they each hold deep inside...
Click image for a larger version.
The quote on the image: And my dreams, they aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be. (It's actually But not And in the song but I liked this version better for my theme.) The font is Shipped Goods by Mans Grabek who is a genius with fonts. There is a free version for non profit through Dafont.
I've had a bit of bother with LJ today. For some reason it really did not want to post for me. I'll hopefully post the last bits on Free For All day on the 10th or die in the attempt! If you'd like anything I've posted, please help yourself. I can personlize if you like.