Players: Steve, Chris and Fattig
GM: Sean Nittner
System: Dresden Files
This game started with a really fun intro. Namely a bunch of cops that Rose and Remington didn’t know finding them in the middle of a blood bath, trying to resuscitate the single survivor of a brutal attack. From the cop’s perspective they found a crime in progress and these
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Comments 3
It seems to me in Dresden, more than any other FATE variant, that a skill like discipline gets pegged for doing one thing and one thing only, spellcasting. Thus, if you are a spellcaster, you have a high discipline. If you are not a spell caster, you don't.
If someone chose not to put any points into discipline as a skill, it means that there character is essentially a coward. Having a hail of bullets slamming nearby is really going to crank on the "surrender or die!" lever, and it should take a lot of discipline (pardon the pun) to ignore that reaction and keep your wits about you.
Wow, that was a really long way of saying I think you made the right call there skipper.
In fact, right in the book it lists one of the trappings as Mental Defense.
It seems to be more of a fact that mental conflicts come up so infrequently, and the only real mental stress that gets inflicts on characters seems to be self-inflicted spell casting stress, it is seen as a "dump skill" that you can get by without having it as a non-spellcaster.
I like to dissuade my players of that notion from time to time.
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