Title: Redeeming Eden Length: Chaptered Rating: PG and growing Pairings: YooSu, JaeHo, MinOther Summary: Love, Hatred, Gratitude, Revenge. Is love worth all the pain they have to go through?
The fact that he travelled so far and expected to save the one he loves and bring the man back home safely... the sight would be heart wrenching. *sob*
it's a nice update!!! i love this chapter.... especially the ending part where yoochun had to be saved by junsu and yunho saved both of them.... as you say, i really never expect it would happen this way.. however, feel heart broken for yunho at the moment he saw junsu and yoochun 2gether... yunho's heart must be cries in pain... *hugs yunho*
omigosh, i never guessed it would be like this. yoosu is so painfully beautiful.. gah!this chapter was so heartbreaking! n yes, yunho please just let the pain go...
I love this chapter. What I meant to say last time is that I love the dramatic implications of having someone lost in the snowy mountains, especially when their estranged lover is near. I thought the Yoosu interaction in this chapter was just beautiful. I hope they both make it so that they can keep their promises. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Wow, you first to wonder if they would both make it... Interesting. Wouldn't want to imagine if both Yunho and Yoochun found Su at the same time... Cheers!
Comments 52
even if they're a little banged up -physically and emotionally- at least they're safe now!!
thanks for the update sweetie!! ^__^
Thanx thanx...
as you say, i really never expect it would happen this way..
however, feel heart broken for yunho at the moment he saw junsu and yoochun 2gether...
yunho's heart must be cries in pain... *hugs yunho*
And he swallowed the pain alone, choosing to be the gentleman and not get angry that Junsu was with Yoochun..
n yes, yunho please just let the pain go...
'We need a doctor here!'
i wonder wen will jae b able to heal yunho
So yes, need Jae to come in to heal Yunho...
Wouldn't want to imagine if both Yunho and Yoochun found Su at the same time...
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