Title: Velveteen vs. Going Home Again.
Summary: What happens when a former child superhero returns from her travels in the seasonal lands, only to discover that things have changed, possibly forever? Velveteen is home. Home is not the same.
The Princess sat on her (increasingly tarnished) throne, hands gripping the armrests so tight that it felt like she was going to break a nail... )
Comments 12
Yaaay! New Velveteen story! Thank you!
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I still haven't figured out exactly why this series is my favorite, but I will just to accept it is. I guess knowing why isn't important. :)
Currently started to read George R. R. Martin's Wild Card series of short stories (20+) books, but Velveteen and your writing style is the top Ace of "Aces" to me.
I didn't think my heart could ache more for Vel, and Jack and Jackie and the Princess, and Torrey.
And then this.
I have faith that Vel will overcome again, and remake the world, but I cannot bring myself to consider the cost.
I know it will be far too high, and I cannot bear the thought.
Thank you, Seanan, for giving us Velveteen.
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