Are you coming to our party? Our Reno WorldCon party?

Jan 25, 2011 10:09

Okay, folks, it's time for the official reminder that the deadline is fast approaching to gain the right to nominate for the 2011 Hugo Awards and John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. This means that if you have an interest in shaping this year's final Hugo and Campbell ballot, you need to fulfill the requirements like, super-soon. And what are those requirements? Simple:

To be entitled to submit a nomination ballot you must join Renovation as a Supporting, Attending, or Young Adult member by January 31, 2011, or have been a Supporting or Attending member of Aussiecon 4, the 2010 Worldcon. Nomination ballots must be received by Saturday, March 26, 2011, 23:59 PDT. Translation: If you didn't go to Aussiecon 4, you need to be a Supporting, Attending, or Young Adult member of Renovation before the end of this month. You have six days left. I'm just saying.

Since I'm basically cribbing from the official announcement anyway, here's the next chunk:

"After the finalists are announced, all Supporting, Attending, and Young Adult members of Renovation (including all members who join prior to the closing date of the final ballot) will be invited to submit ballots to select the Hugo winners. Renovation members will also be eligible to nominate for the 2012 Hugo Awards to be hosted next year by Chicon 7, the 70th Worldcon, in Chicago, Illinois."

See? Two nominating periods for the price of one!

More seriously, every year, I see people complaining about how the Hugos don't represent "their" idea of the best science fiction and fantasy out there. Well, this is your opportunity to put your money where your mouth is, and shape the year to come. You have six days to decide.

And now, the official:

More information about the Hugo Awards, including details about how to submit a nominating ballot, is available from

For additional information, contact

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conventions, awards and stuff

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