Title: Scars Can Run Deep
Pairing(s): YeWook, ninja!HenMi
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Summary: Ryeowook has a scar that he can't seem to heal, maybe the only person who can is the very same person who gave him that scar.
Note: Fic request for
kellsung sorry it took soo long and my god i'm sorta sorry it's 30,120 words.
2 3 4 "Ryeowook pees in his pants, Ryeowook pees in his pants!” the chants seemed to keep getting louder and louder no matter how hard the ten year old pressed his hands over his ears. They wouldn’t quit.He squeezed his eyes shut to stop seeing the pointing and the kids laughing amongst the chanting. It didn’t seem to help though; the image was burned in his mind. Tears rolled down his face as he just crouched down trying to cover the small wet spot on the front of the whitey tighties his mother always made him wear. He hated it, absolutely hated it. That was why he had wanted boxers. He was a big boy now, not a little kid and his worst nightmare had come true.
Shooting up in his bed in a cold sweat, Ryeowook wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, huffing and puffing trying to calm himself down. He hadn’t had that dream in a while but it occurred every so often. It was more than just a dream but a memory. A memory he so desperately wanted to forget but never could.
Kim Jong Woon.
It was all his fault. Why did he have to pull his pants down in the middle of the cafeteria when not only did his classmates see but practically the whole school of all different grade levels? Ryeowook had been humiliated beyond compare that day and he only moved when the little foreign boy who was also picked on in school had come over and helped him. These dreams and memories never seemed to go away entirely it was a big pain in his butt.
Swinging his legs off the bed he pressed the soles of his feet to the cold wooden floor. He had always loved that feeling. Standing up he walked over to his neat desk that only had, his homework for the next day smack dab in the middle, a cute mug with a giraffe painted on it that someone gave him for his birthday that held all of his pens, a lamp and off to the side was his laptop. On top of said laptop was his cellphone plugged into the charger. Taking it off the charger, Ryeowook slid up his phone since he always liked having a keypad rather than those annoying touch screen ones that never opened what he clicked on. Quickly, he dialed the only number he memorized even though he could have just scrolled threw his contacts.
Moving over to the window, he pulled up the blinds and looked off into the night sky. It was a clear night, the stars were out. Nights like these he liked the best. Holding the phone to his ear after a few rings a familiar albeit groggy voice answered the phone, “ello?” There was a clearing of a throat heard and all of that had made a soft smile appear on Ryeowook’s face. “Henli-ah, I had that dream again.” Looking down at his free hand, it kept picking at his green pajama pants as he was nervous, he always was whenever he spoke to Henry like this. “Ah, Wookie it’s okay just go back to bed you know you’ll have a peaceful dream now.” Came the soothing reply. It was soothing but that didn’t entirely cure Ryeowook’s fear that he’d have to once again relive it or well re-dream it. It sure felt like he was reliving it.
“But-“ he was cut off as his foreign friend that he had made that terrible terrible day spoke again, “Are you by the window?” He asked though they both knew it was obvious where he was. This was a routine of theres that Ryeowook couldn’t seem to break no matter how hard he tried. Luckily for him Henry didn’t seem to mind. “Mhmm,” he had nodded at first but knew that the person on the line couldn’t see him so he made it known verbally. “Then find your favorite constellation with me.” It might seem weird to others but for Ryeowook, he loved looking at the stars and constellations and what he enjoyed even more was looking at them with someone else. He felt like it was something special when you did it that way. “Oh! I see Vulpecula. You found it Wookie?” Henry asked. Looking into the sky Ryeowook quickly connected the stars one by one until he could see the little fox that was his favorite constellation of this month. “I do, Henli-ah.” Gazing at the constellation made him slowly start to feel more at peace especially since his best friend was on the phone with him and he knew they were looking at the stars together. They were both silent for a few moments appreciating the view and then his friend spoke again. “You okay now? Just keep Vulpecula in your mind as you fall asleep.”
Nodding, he made his way to his bed and got under the covers once more, pulling them up to his chin. “I’m in bed now.” He let Henry know as he tried keeping the image of the constellation in his mind. “Alright, good night.” Once again Ryeowook nodded as if his friend could see him it was a habit of his that he couldn’t seem to break. “I love you Henli, night.” He said softly into the phone already starting to get sleepy again. “I love you too, Ryeowook.” It was said warmly right before the call was ended and it was the last piece put into place to calm him down completely. Only a few moments after that Ryeowook was fast asleep and snoring softly. Something he would deny vehemently if anyone ever accused him of it.
The next morning was a bright one for Ryeowook both literally and figuratively. He bounded down the stairs with an extra spring in his step and made his mother giggle when he snatched the apron out of her hand, putting it on himself. He made breakfast for his family before grabbing only toast for himself and practically skipping out the door. Why was he skipping? Or almost skipping? Simply, because he had a wonderfully peaceful night sleep and he had to thank his best friend for that.
Getting to school earlier than usual, he had time to stop by the home economics room and sweet talk his teacher into letting him bake in there. Sweet talk turned a little more into bribing since at the end of their conversation, Ryeowook promised to give a sample of his goods to the teacher. Normally, he would have just baked at home but it was near the end of the week and that meant his mother needed to go to store where as at school they had an abundance of supplies. Setting to work, he paced himself so that he would be able to finish it all by the time first period started.
Ryeowook with his silky dark brown sideswept fringe, would flip his hair out of his eyes every now and then. He ignored the buzzing sound coming from his pocket because that would take away from his goal. Answer the text messages he was receiving or finish Henry's surprise? He chose the latter.
As it turned out those very texts were from Henry himself and there was one from Lee Donghae a fellow classmate but even if he wasn't busy he would have ignored that one. All Donghae seemed to have to say lately was too much info about his alone time with his boyfriend named Hyuk something or whatnot. Needless to say, Ryeowook couldn't careless and a lot of the times he didn't really enjoy picturing the certain way Hae bended and Hyuk li...okay yep that was enough of that. Moving on, as the bell rang letting all the students know that they have five minutes to get to class, the oven timer went off and Ryeowook's violin shaped cookies were ready to cool. Henry loved to play the violin so he thought it'd be a special treat to the cookies shaped as such. That was probably the most difficult part of the morning for Ryeowook.
Looking at his work Ryeowook picked out the ones that didn't turn out as well shaped as the others and decided to give those ones to his teacher. Mainly because the cookies smelled delicious and he knew that they would taste as such, so it didn't really matter that a couple of his cookies had a failed design. The good would outweigh the bad. He'd have to come back though because the cookies needed time to cool and he needed to get to class. Picking up the tray out of the oven he sat them in an area of the room out of the way to cool and where no one would bother them. Just in case though he quickly made a nice little sign that said, Do Not Touch! in bold letters. Setting that in front of his tray, Ryeowook smiled at his handiwork before hurrying out of the room with his bag being flung over his shoulder.
Just as the final bell chimed Ryeowook made it into the classroom and slid quickly into his seat. His actions receiving a hushed whisper, "Where have you been? Did you forget your phone?" It was then that the very busy senior sneaked the phone out of his pocket and saw the four texts he had missed. Ryeowook hurriedly opened them all but didn't read them so he wouldn't be fooled later into thinking he had new messages. "I've been busy, Donghae hyung." he said as he took out his supplies for class. And the whining had begun, "Buuttt, Ryeowook I need to ask you about-" Holding up his hand indicating for the elder to shush. "If it has anything to do with Hyukjae hyung then I really don't have anything to say." The pout was evident on Donghae's face but the younger sat in front and didn't have to see it. "You could always just listen..." came the pleading that Ryeowook had been waiting for. It was hushed now because their teacher had started class. "No, that's worse. If Hyukjae was a girl you two would be just like multiplying rabbits. How many issues can you have-OW!"
His hand went strait to his head and rubbed the spot that hurt. Looking around he found a piece of chalk lying on the floor and then his eyes met with his teacher. "Mr. Kim would you prefer to explain to the entire class just what you mean by multiplying rabbits or shall we continue with the original lesson?" A rush of warmth shot through Ryeowook's face as he kept his eyes hooded and he shook his head. "Sorry, Sir." He apologized sincerely and ignored Donghae for the rest of class. That had not been how he had wanted to start the first class.
When class was finally over he booked it out of the classroom, making his way down the hallway while trying to stretch out his sore shoulder from all the poking a certain person had done that hour. He made it to the home ec room and could feel his phone buzzing once again. Ignoring it he went over to his cookies and bagged them up, taking the ribbons that his teacher had in the room and tied the little bags of cookies with that. He had three bags. One for his teacher and two for Henry. He didn't need to eat them and who else would he give them to? Donghae? Absolutely not, that hyung was more of a pest lately than anything else. All smiles now he left his teachers on her desk then went off to find Henry at his locker. They normally waited between classes for the other at their lockers.
"Henli!" He called with a wave, keeping the surprise behind his back. Picking up his pace he made his way over to his best friend. "There you are! I've been waiting for you. What were you doing?" Henry asked as he shut his locker and looked at the very happy boy in front of him. Ryeowook moved his free hand behind his back and took one of the bags in his other hand, holding them out for Henry to see. "I made you a treat." Neither one of the boys noticed that there was someone at the locker next to Henry's. Nor did they notice that anyone was watching them. That was until someone snatched the bag in Ryeowook's right hand. "Don't mind if I do." the smooth voice said bringing two pairs of eyes in that direction. As the two looked over the newcomer, Henry's lips pressed into a thin line and Ryeowook just looked at the boy with shaggy black hair and upside down glasses in shock.
"Hey, that's not for you." The boy was already undoing the red ribbon and sticking his hand in the bag. "Oh wow violins, nice." He raised the cookie up to his eye level and was turning it from every angle before popping the cookie in this mouth. It was small enough to take in one bite. "Mmm, I'll enjoy these." He nodded, spilling some crumbs out of his mouth in the process. Shutting his locker, he slung his bag over his shoulder, swallowed and started to walk away. Looking over his shoulder, "See ya, Ryeowook." The stranger raised the bag of cookies and nodded in thanks before making his way to whatever class it was that he had.
Henry had kept quiet through the whole exchange and Ryeowook was too shocked to say much but he managed to splutter, "Who was that rude guy?" It took a moment for his friend to respond because he was trying to understand how his hyung didn't realize just who had stolen his cookies. "Just a rude guy. Can I have my cookies now?" He asked politely while giving his hyung the puppy dog eyes that he knew the other couldn't resist. "Of course Henli-ah, they are for you after all." Ryeowook handed over the cookies while grumbling to himself about how that person was a few choice words that weren't appropriate for him to say aloud, let alone while in school. Slinging an arm around the taller guy's shoulders. "Let's get to class, hmm?" Henry said as he managed to open his bag with one hand. Getting one out was a little more difficult and made Ryeowook giggle and reach in grab a cookie and feed his dongsaeng. When he heard the small moan of satisfaction from Henry, all was right in his world.
The rest of that day went without further incident. In fact the next three days had gone on without incident. Henry and Ryeowook were inseparable as normal. They ignored the few people who would always tell they were gay and in a relationship. One, the two had long since figured out their sexualities and knew that it wasn't anyone else business as to what it was. Two, this was how they were together nothing was going to change nor did they want it to.
"Hyung?" Ryeowook said softly, trying not to be too loud and catch Mrs. Park's attention while he was at it. "Hmm?" came the reply from behind him. "Do you want to go to that new music cafe after school today?" The new cafe was half cafe, half music store where they had these really comfortable chair where you could listen to music from the chair while drinking your coffee or what not. He pretended to be writing notes in his notebook so as not to draw attention to their conversation. Donghae always seemed to get the best of him when it came to secretly speaking to him in class. "Sounds good to me." Came that smooth voice that certainly didn't match Donghae's playful lilting voice at all. Turning around in his seat Ryeowook looked to see what was wrong with his hyung only to gasp a bit squeakily then cover his mouth turning back around and sliding down in his seat until his head only just rested above the top of the chair.
That person sitting behind him was certainly not his hyung, or well the one he had been meaning to speak to. It was the cookie thief. Sneaking a look his eyes met another pair behind the glasses that were sitting correctly on his face this time. Ryeowook immediately snapped his head back around and stared straight ahead of him. Whispering sharply. "What are you doing here? You're not in this class!" he could hear a deep chuckle and somehow that annoyed him all the more. "I've been in this class for the past week. Transfer student and all. I'm a little disappointed you didn't notice but it was easy enough to switch seats with Donghae." He nodded in the direction across the room in the corner where you could see Donghae giving the person in front of him a massage. Of course that person was Hyukjae. Ryeowook couldn't help but look back at the cookie thief again and follow his gaze. Yes, there he was. Oh great, what if he got stuck with the cookie thief for the rest of the week or worse the rest of the year. Ryeowook pouted in his seat after that and kept quiet.
When class ended he went to meet Henry and started to tell him everything that had just happened. Only, he seemed to forget that the person he was speaking about had his locker assigned right next to Henry's. "Oh, Henli-ah what am I to do? What if he really does go to the cafe, I don't want to go with oh, hi." Ryeowook wasn't blind enough not to notice the person who stopped right in front of them. He nervously waved and then stared at his feet, tapping his toes on the ground as a nervous tick. Henry looked from his locker to the person his friend was saying hi to in the middle of his rant. "He's going to the cafe with me so you don't need to come." Was all Henry said before shutting his locker, grabbing Ryeowook's hand, intertwining their fingers and dragging him off. They left behind a rather curious school mate but he just shrugged and went about his business with the locker.
"Ooh wow! Henli-ah, Henli-ah! Sit here and try this out. It even gives you a massage too!" The very excited and kid like voice came out of the tiny Ryeowook whose eyes were all wide and sparkly as if he really was a five year old in a candy shop. He got up out of the chair and pushed Henry into it, then proceeded to push all the buttons on the remote that he could, while putting on the headphones and pressing play. Ripping the headphones off his head and holding onto his ear he glared at the instigator to all of this. "Wookie, are you trying to make me go deaf? You can hear the music clearly without them over your ears. Ah, how do you stop this thing, this ball thingy keeps going into my back."
Ryeowook could only giggle at his friend. "It's supposed to do that Henli, it's relaaxxing." He giggled some more reaching over to turn it off though especially since his friend was begging him to do so with an ow thrown in here or there. Instead his hand brushed with someone else fingers. They had really soft hands.
Looking up, his eyes met with charcol colored eyes that held a feeling in them that he couldn't quite grasp. They looked away too soon. "What are you doing here?" Hearing the annoyance in the voice snapped Ryeowook back to the here and now. Now, that he was seeing clearly once again it was those upsidedown glasses once more. Ugh, didn't he ever disappear. He placed his hand on his hip wondering the same thing that Henry had just asked. The boy came around the back of the chair and stood next to Ryeowook and in front of Henry. "Is that any way to speak to your hyung? Shouldn't you thank me first from saving you from that death trap? And I was invited here." Henry immediately retorted with, "You mean uninvited." which is what had happened earlier if that person seemed to have forgotten. The upside down glasses wearer shrugged his shoulders, "That's up for interpretation and even so this is a public place. It's sad, you used to be so much sweeter." At hearing this comment, it was enough for Ryeowook. He couldn't understand who this person was before him. How did he know both him and Henry and why was he always around now.
"Who.. are you?" He asked interrupting Henry's glare and the boys indifference to it. They both looked at him then exchanged looks themselves which Ryeowook found even stranger. After that moment passed the boy came back to himself, "You can call me Yesung." That wasn't a name that he had ever heard before so how did Henry seem to know him. A wrinkle was forming on his brow as he tried to understand this ball of confusion. A few kids called out the unfamiliar name causing Yesung to look over, smile and nod letting them know he'd be over in a moment. "Well, have fun on your date. See ya at school, Henry.." Yesung let his eyes slide over the one in the chair before looking at Ryeowook with that same look from earlier that stirred a feeling in him that he couldn't figure out. "Ryeowook." Yesung walked off to join the kids who wanted his attention and didn't look back.
Ryeowook had to tear his gaze away from Yesung and turned his attention to his almost fuming friend. Tilting his head to the side, he asked, "How do you or we no just you know him?" Henry stared at his friend for a moment in silence before finally just shaking his head. "It's not important Wookie, let's just grab a drink. I want to find that new album that came out last week." Shrugging, he held out his hand to Henry and helped him out of the chair to do just that.
Henry sat on his bed, finger hovering over the send button on his phone. His eyes blurred as they stared so intently at his text message.
To: Ryeowook
I need to talk to you.
A simple sentence was all it was but he couldn't decide if it was wise to stir anything up or to just leave it alone. Yesung as he called himself was around their school once again. Henry being in a grade lower than Ryeowook wouldn't have known about the new transfer student. Even though their lockers were right next to each other, he hadn't once come across the new student until the day he stole the cookies and boy had that surprised him. After few more minutes of almost hitting the send button he tossed the phone down on his bed and it bounced off, onto the floor breaking apart.
"Aish!" Now his battery slid across the room along with the back of his phone in the opposite direction. Getting up he picked up the pieces and put his phone back together. What to do, what to do? Henry really didn't know. Yesung was in fact Kim Jong Woon, why the new name? Henry couldn't fathom. It had been good for Ryeowook when Jong Woon had moved away but now he was back and Henry just couldn't shake the feeling that when Ryeowook found out who Yesung really was that it wouldn't be good. There would be a lot more problems arising. Since his phone needed to reboot and the message he had written was gone he decided to take that as a sign to keep his mouth shut, at least for a little while longer.
Running his hands through his short red hair he picked up his violin and walked out to his back porch. He needed a distraction and music always helped him with that.
Ryeowook lied on his bed, elbows propping him up, chin resting in the palm of his hand and his feet hanging in the air every now and then swinging back and forth. He quietly hummed to himself as he did his homework. He was a happy camper today. Besides the weird parts of the day it had been a good one. Him and Henry had a lot of fun, so much so that they almost got kicked out of the cafe for acting like five year olds or so the manager said. Personally, he thought they were just livening things up by playing with the music controls and the whip cream in their drinks among other things. While they were amused others were not. He didn't care though it made him feel light as a feather and that was always a wonderful feeling.
Dropping his pen in between the pages of his book he sat up and slipped off his bed. A sudden idea striking him. He rooted through his bookcase until he found the old yearbook. He pulled it out and flipped through it until he got to the pages of his class. He quickly spotted himself as it was easy to do. Bypassing him, he found Henry. Taking out his phone he quickly snapped a picture. Time to tease Henry about it. As he was opening a text his eyes spotted a familiar face out of the corner of his eye. Stopping he took a closer look and his good mood was gone. It was Kim Jong Woon who he had spotted. Not a face he wanted to see. The more he looked though, the more he had a feeling that he couldn't place. It was similar to something else earlier that day. Snapping the book shut, Ryeowook grabbed his backpack that was nearby and pulled it towards him. He slipped the book inside and decided he'd be able to calm himself once he got to school tomorrow.
That feeling had quickly turned into panic as he realized Yesung gave him a similar feeling to the picture he was viewing of Kim Jong Woon from so many years ago. If this was so then a lot more things would make sense. A lot of things that Ryeowook really didn't want to think about nor wanted to deal with. Problem was Ryeowook didn't like pushing things under the mat and forgetting. Once there was a doubt he had to find the truth. Tomorrow would do just that. He went over to his bed and put away the remainder of his school things. Grabbing his night clothes he went to the bathroom to do his nightly routine and then tucked himself in bed. Holding his cell phone in his hand, he debated on calling Henry. In the end he plugged in his phone and laid it on the desk, the screen still showing Henry's name ready to call. Henry was his rock but Ryeowook couldn't lean on him all the time could he?
“Good morning, Wookie.” the warm breath caressed Ryeowook’s neck and made him shiver. That deep smooth voice penetrated into his mind and he hated it. “You can’t call me that hyung. That’s Henli’s name for me.” He tried being polite to Yesung if that was even his name that was sitting behind him in the hallway. Disappointment could be heard in the others voice as he replied, “Why?” How bothersome. Couldn’t he understand just by that one sentence it was more than enough for the guy to make inferences on the reason why and leave it alone. “Because I don’t like you.” He snapped. It wasn’t like him to be so rude so easily but Ryeowook was on edge. He had wanted to check on his hunch without Yesung noticing. He didn’t know if it’d be worth waiting that long though.
Patience wasn’t his strong suit when he was on edge. Sliding his backpack off of one arm and letting it swing to the front the grabbed it and opened the top zipper. Sticking his hand in he grabbed the book, it was easy to find in there because it was the only book he had. Ryeowook had already placed a sticky tab on it so he flipped to the page easily. Yesung had been walking alongside him and speaking but he hadn’t heard a thing.
Yesung noticed this, saw the book and upon realizing it snatched it out of Ryeowook hands. “I think I’ll take that thanks.” The smooth voice said cheerily to the owner and then sped up his pace without so much as a proper goodbye. Ryeowook pouted and crossed his arms.
This only made him more suspicious, just about 99.9% positive that he was right. Walking along to his locker he refused to believe it until he got proof. If he didn’t then he wasn’t sure how he’d handle things. Kim Jong Woon back, just thinking about it made his heart rate accelerate and his breathing hitch. He’d become a nervous wreck. No, Yesung was Yesung and that was all there was to it. He decided. A nagging thought in the back of his mind though was digging a whole. It would keep digging until the truth was discovered whether Ryeowook liked it or not.
He was so lost in his own world he didn’t realize he had gotten to his locker until a loud clang and pain shot through his forehead. Walking right into your locker was not a painless one. Not in the slightest. He rubbed his forehead with the palm of his hand. A hand clapped on his back. “Nice going Ryeowook hyung.” Now this voice was smooth but it was a melodic type of one. “Oww, Minnie, I don’t understand why you keep calling me that. I’m not your hyung, you’re mine.” He said sounding more annoyed because he was in pain rather than because of the guy standing next to him. Ryeowook opened his locker and pulled out the book he needed. Stuffing it in his bag quickly. “Because I’ve never had a hyung before and if there was anyone that I’d want to call that, it’s you…hyung.” He added the last word hesitantly. Most of Sungmin’s friends were younger than him and he didn’t have an older brother either so hyung wasn’t quite in his vocabulary except when Ryeowook was around. Shaking his head, he let it go. “Alright, but don’t complain when I call you MinMin just because I feel like it.” He said as a compromise. Sungmin immediately wrinkled his nose in distaste but nodded. “Okay, okay, whatever you say hyung.” Ryeowook just giggled at his silly hyung as they moved away from his locker that was now closed and started to go to class. “I’ll see you in gym.” Sungmin bounced in such a way that it almost looked like skipping. Ryeowook nodded and waved to his friend before heading in the opposite direction for his own class.
He made it to Gym without running into Yesung-with-a-question-mark but the senior couldn’t decide whether he was frustrated because he hadn’t yet or if he was relieved that he hadn’t. A jumble of emotions he was and that is what really frustrated him. Walking into the locker room he tossed his bag on the ground and opened his locker to pull out his gym clothes. Ryeowook ignored all the guys horse playing because he just wasn’t in the mood. In fact he was rather grumpy by now. It didn’t help that he hadn’t seen Henry once today and every time he had tried to text the boy someone interrupted. Either a faculty member almost catching him or some nuisance wanting god knows what because Ryeowook could care less. What he wanted was his year book back and he wanted it back now.
Huffing as he roughly tugged off his shirt, he threw it in his locker. Next was his pants, those took much longer to take off than he would have liked. That was what happened when you chose to wear skinny jeans to school that looked and felt like they were painted on you. Every little thing was becoming an annoyance to him today but he didn’t care. The only thing that was circling his mind was just why Yesung would do something like that, if he wasn’t really in that year book with himself and Henry. It didn’t make sense and he didn’t like what it lead to mean. Once he had changed he took a seat onto the bench and pulled on his sneakers.
Lost in his own thoughts that wouldn’t stop circling like vultures he nearly jumped ten feet in the air and did slip off the bench as he heard a loud clap sound right next to him. It was a book being dropped onto the wooden bench. “YAH!” he yelled with a glare to kill ready. He aimed it at the source of the sound and those glaring eyes grew wider with surprise but then quickly changed back to their original intent. “I decided it was rather rude of me to just snatch this from you so I’m returning it.” Came that same smooth voice that Ryeowook couldn’t seem to escape lately even if he hadn’t technically wanted to avoid him this time. “W-when did you get into this class?” He hadn’t even known Yesung was in his class. “I mean, good. You should return it, it’s not yours.” He tried to go back to his pissed off stance but his previous question ruined that guise. It was starting to freak him out just how much he had never really noticed his classmates before especially this one in particular.
Yesung with that messy black hair of his just stared at him with an obvious question mark above his head, like ‘are you really serious?’ It made Ryeowook shift uneasily and flit his eyes away before resting back on Yesung but somewhere above or below his eyes. “Since, I transferred Ryeowook.” Yesung shook his head and just walked away. Ryeowook watched him and could have sworn the kids shoulders sagged just a little but then he shook himself out of that. It didn’t make sense so he pulled his left leg up on the bench and tied his other shoe. It was time for gym he better get out there but not before taking a quick peek at that page. Opening it up he flipped right to the page, Yesung had even left the sticky notes on it. Staring intently at the picture for a minute or two, he burned the image in his head then snapped the book shut and locked it up safely in his locker. The bell had rung and he needed to compare those images.