Title: A Misguided Silence
Pairing: HyukMin !Friendship, tad bit of EunHae
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: Sungmin and Hyukjae had been friends every since they were in diapers but now after all these years there seems to be a growing distance between the two. Are they just growing apart or is Hyukjae avoiding Sungmin like the plague for
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Comments 4
did not see those surprise coming x3
hyukmin friendship is love
but hyuk more into eunhae x'(
Haha Hyuk just knew if he was around Sungmin he wouldn't be able to keep the surprise a surprise. He'd cave in and spill everything so Donghae was his crotch, it kept him grounded. Now that the surprise is over Sungmin and Hyuk will be back together as friends, well added with a bit of Hae tagging along.
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